Title: Introduction to Jakarta Struts Framework
1Introduction to Jakarta Struts Framework
- Try
- NCCU Computer Center
- Mar 20,2002
2 The Evolution of Server Side Web Ap Developement
- Servlet
- JSPBean (Model 1)
- JSPBeanXML techs
- Model 2 (MVC)
- Model 2X(MVC with XML techs)
3What is MVC
- The Model View Controller is a technique used to
separate Business logic/state (the Model) from
User Interface (the View) and program
progression/flow (the Control). - This pattern is very useful when it comes to
modern web development - The majority of modern, high usage websites are
dynamically driven. - People well skilled at presentation (HTML
writers) seldom know how to develop back-end
solutions and visa versa. - Separating business rules from presentation is
good no matter what environment you develop in be
it web or desktop.
???? Craig W. Tataryn ,Introduction to MVC and
the Jakarta Struts Framework
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5Benefits of MVC
- Promotes Modularity
- I18n
- Abstraction
- Allows application to be defined in a flow-chart,
use-case or activity diagram which is more
easily transferred to implementation.
???? Craig W. Tataryn ,Introduction to MVC and
the Jakarta Struts Framework
6The Struts Framework overview
- Struts is an open source MVC framework developed
by the Apache Jakarta project group. - Struts allows JSP/Servlet writers the ability to
fashion their web applications using the MVC
design pattern. - By designing your web application using Struts
you allow - Architect the ability to design using the MVC
pattern - Developer to exploit the Struts framework when
building the app. - Web designer can learn how to program in MVC.
???? http//jakarta.apache.org/struts/
7The Struts Framework overview(2)
- Struts takes much difficult work out of
developing an MVC based web app. - The Struts framework provides a collection of
canned objects which can facilitate fundamental
aspects of MVC, while allowing you to extend
further as need suites
8Components of Struts Framework
- Model
- Business Logic Bean(or session bean)?StateBean(or
entity bean)?ActionForm? - View
- A Set of Tag library.
- Language Resource File
- Controller
- ActionServlet( controlled by struct-configs.xml)
- ActionClasses
- Utility Classes
9Components of Struts Framework(2)
???? http//www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library
10How Struts works
???? http//www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/library
- The view in Struts is represented by JSP pages.
- Minimize the occurance of scriptlets in your page
- Use the tag-library provided by Struts to control
the presenatational logic.
- The ability to maintain a web app in several
different languages - Based on the language setup on the client side,
the web app will automatically switch. - This is achieve in Struts through Java Resource
Bundles - Instead of having to make a ResourceBundle class
for each language supported by your web app,
resource bundles can be described as language
resource files
Traditional Chinese
- Language Resource
- FileName Conventions
- (ResourceName)_(ISO-LanguageCode)_(ISO-ConturyCod
e).properties - Register the Resource Name in web.xml.
- In order for web developers to get at the string
resources we use a special Struts tag called
- Login.jsp
- ApplicationResources_en_US.properties
- ApplicationResources_zh_TW.properties
- ResultBean,hold information needed to generate
the result page. - FromBean(extend ActionForm ),hold the data passed
by user either by POST or Query String. - Business Logic Bean.
- EJB ?JMS or other components we impl at business
logic layer before.
- JSP pages acting as the view for this LogonForm
are automatically updated by Struts with the
current values of the UserName and Password
properties. - If the user changes the properties via the JSP
page, the LogonForm will automatically be updated
by Struts - Before an ActionForm object is passed to a
controller for processing, a validate method
can be implemented on the form which allows the
form to belay processing until the user fixes
invalid input
- LoginForm.java
- tw.edu.nccu.user.TeacherData
- The controller is the switch board of MVC.
- It directs the user to the appropriate views by
providing the view with the correct model - The task of directing users to appropriate views
is called mapping in struts. - The Struts framework provides a base object
called org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet. - The ActionServlet class uses a configuration file
called struts-config.xml to read mapping data
called action mappings - The ActionServlet class reads the incoming URI
and tries to match the URI against a set of
action mappings to see if it can find a
controller class which would be willing to handle
the request
20Controller (2)
Server configured to pass .action extensions to
org.apache.struts.action.ActionServlet via a
web.xml configuration file
ActionServlet object inspects the URI and tries
to match it against an ActionMapping located in
the struts-config.xml file.
Instance of appropriate Action class is found and
its perform() method is called
Action object handles the request and returns
control to a view based where the user is
within the flow of the application
- tw.edu.nccu.teacherstudata.actions.LoginAction
- Struts-config.xml
- LoginAction.java
22Problems with Struts
- Does not work on JDK1.4.0
- Steep learning curve.
- Problems on old Application Servers(include
Tomcat3.2.1 ?Weblogic 5.1). - The only output document is HTML,it didnt
support the XSL transform technology.(Unless we
modify the source code)
23Model 2X
- Model2X
- Conceived by Julien Mercay and Gilbert Bouzeid on
Feb 1,2002. - Replace the JSPTagLib with XMLXSLT at
presentation layer. - Using XSL Servlet as the Document Factory.
- Support pipe-line processing while generating the
target document.
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- Struts homepage
- http//jakarta.apache.org/struts/
- Suns Servlet Specification
- http//java.sun.com/products/servlet/download.html
specs - Suns JSP Specification
- http//java.sun.com/products/jsp/download.html
- Blue Stones Struts Tutorial
- http//developer.bluestone.com/scripts/SaISAPI.dll
/Gallery.class/demos/trailMaps/index.jsp - My Struts page
- http//java.cc.nccu.edu.tw/struts/