Title: Response to Intervention
1Response to Intervention
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction Rigorousl
y Preparing our Students for a Successful Tomorrow
2Regulatory Requirements Response to Intervention
- US Department of Education, Office of Special
Education Programs - No Child Left Behind (NCLB)
- The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
(IDEA) - Federal regulations at 34 CFR 300.307-309
require that state agencies must adopt criteria
for determining whether a child has an LD and the
criteria adopted must permit the use of RtI
3Response to Intervention (RtI) Goals
- Prevention of academic/behavior problems
- Attend to skill gaps early
- Provide interventions/instruction early
- Close skill gaps to prevent failure
- Determination of eligibility as a student with a
specific learning disability - Pattern of inadequate response to interventions
may result in referral to special education - Student intervention response data are considered
for SLD eligibility
4What isResponse to Intervention (RtI) ?
- RtI is the practice of providing high-quality
- Instruction and intervention matched
- to student needs
- and
- using performance data
- to
- inform educational decisions
5Milltowns Approach to RtI
- Establish a Professional Learning Community at
both schools - Develop a 3-Tier intervention plan
- Maintain an active Intervention and Referral
Services (IRS) team
6Professional Learning CommunitiesProfessional
Learning Communities at Work Best Practices for
Enhancing Student Achievement, Dufour and Eaker,
- Teacher collaboration is embedded in the school
day (QSAC) - Teams pursue measurable student achievement goals
(QSAC) - Common formative assessment is frequent (QSAC)
- Analysis of data drives instruction
- Differentiation is built into instructional plan
73-Tier Intervention Plan
- Tiers include increasing levels of intensity of
interventions - Primary Instruction -- differentiated curriculum
and instruction for all students - Secondary Interventions -- Targeted
interventions for students at risk - Tertiary Interventions -- Strategic/Intense
interventions for students with intensive needs
8(No Transcript)
- Grades 1-4
- homeroom class
- 1 Differentiated Instruction Regular math class
assigned based on homeroom teacher - 2 Flexible Grouping
- RtI group assigned based on end-of-unit teacher
made tests - RtI teacher may or may not be regular homeroom
teacher - 3 After-school Tutoring
- Additional assistance for students not meeting
proficiency on RtI retest
- Grades 5-8
- departmentalized course
- 1 Differentiated Instruction
- Regular math class assigned based on Terra Nova,
NJ ASK, and teacher recommendation - 2 Flexible Grouping
- Additional guided instruction based on grade
level mastery indicators as assessed using
Learnia - 3 After-school Tutoring
- Students enrolled in RtI group based on common
assessment proficiency score -
10Intervention and Referral Services(IRS)
MISSION STATEMENT To ascertain the challenges of
individual students and provide appropriate,
tiered interventions to promote student success
at school IRS Team Members IRS
Coordinator Administrator Referring Teacher Child
Study Team (CST) Member Support Teacher
11Advantages of RtI Approach
- Provides instructional assistance in a timely
fashion (e.g., NOT a wait-to-fail model) - Helps ensure a students poor academic
performance is not due to poor instruction or
inappropriate curriculum - Informs teacher and improves instruction because
assessment data is collected and closely linked
to interventions
12Increasing student achievement by meeting the
needs of each learner is our 1 priority
The Office of Curriculum and Instruction Rigorousl
y Preparing our Students for a Successful Tomorrow