Title: Creating Schools for the 21st Century
1Creating Schools for the21st Century
- A way to synergize our work
- Beth Ratway
- beth.ratway_at_dpi.wi.gov
2When the question 'What's new?' is pursued at
the expense of all other questions, what follows
in its wake is often an endless flood of trivia
and fashion. I wish to be concerned with the
question 'What is best?' for this question cuts
deeply, rather than broadly sweeping over
- Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle
3You have been asked to present at a congressional
hearing on NCLB they are wondering what are the
knowledge, skills and dispositions students need
for the 21st century?
This is a story about the big public
conversation the nation is not having about
education whether an entire generation of kids
will fail to make the grade in the global economy
because they cant think their way through
abstract problems, work in teams, distinguish
good formation from bad, or speak a language
other than English. How to Build a Student for
the 21st Century, TIME Magazine, December 18, 2006
5Stop asking me if were almost there! Were
nomads, for crying out loud!
6What do our students need to know and be able to
do in the 21st century?
7State Superintendents High School Task Force
- Move outside of existing structures and pursue
innovation - Engage students in rigorous, authentic learning
experiences that are relevant to their learning
needs and future ambitions - Create smaller learning environments require
individualized learning plans - Promote school, parent, business, and community
8Summit on 21st Century Skills
Preparing Students for Work,Postsecondary
Education, and Citizenship March 14, 2007
9Summit on 21st Century Skills
- Sponsors
- Competitive Wisconsin, Inc.
- The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction
- The University of Wisconsin System
- The Wisconsin Technical College System
- Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and
Universities - Attendees
- Business, Labor and Commerce Leaders
- Legislators
- Representatives from Community Organizations and
Non-educational Government Agencies
10Summit on 21st Century SkillsFocus Group Question
- If you were to advise an 8th grade student in
preparing him/her to work for your company 5-10
years from now, what are the skills, knowledge,
and abilities you believe would be essential to
develop? - What are the 21st century skills that will
sustain and grow a vibrant, global economy? - What should be expected of todays students so
they can be effective citizens and leaders in our
11Summit on 21st Century Skills What did we
- Most often discussed among groups were
Learning Thinking Skills and Life Skills - critical-thinking and problem solving
- collaborative communications skills
- people skills
- contextual learning skills
- personal responsibility
- ethics
- adaptability (nimbleness)
12American Diploma Project
Partnership for 21st Century
- Rigor and Relevance for 21st Century
- Engage stakeholders to ensure that every student
graduates prepared. - Align high school standards to postsecondary and
workforce expectations. - Focus initially on English language arts and
13Current National Debate
14Partnership for 21st Century Skills enter the
15Partnership for 21st Century Skills
Learning and Innovation Skills
Core Subjects 21st Century Themes
Life Career Skills
Information, Media, and Tech Skills
Standards Assessment
Curriculum Instruction
Professional Development
Learning Environments
16Core subjects - RIGOR
- State Standards
- Grade Level Foundations
17What do you have in place?
1821st century Themes(Relevance)
1921st Century themes
- Every generation of Americans wants our schools
to prepare students for success in work and life.
Today, business and education leaders agree that
some content is missing from state and local
standards and requirements for most students.
This new content represents essential knowledge
for the 21st century.
21What are we doing to address Themes
- Global
- International Education Council
- http//dpi.wi.gov/cal/interntled.html
- Civic
- Service learning
- http//dpi.wi.gov/fscp/slt4dist.html
- Health
- Health Standards
- http//dpi.wi.gov/sspw/skills_healthB.html
- Health Assessments
- http//dpi.wi.gov/sspw/pdf/hlahiv.pdf
- http//dpi.wi.gov/sspw/class_hlth.html
- Financial, Economic
- Personal financial literacy standards
- http//dpi.wi.gov/standards/pdf/pfl.pdf
22What do you have in place?
23Life and Career skills
- Skills Assessment
- Career pathways
- Project Lead the Way
- Career Development
- http//dpi.wi.gov/pubsales/stw6a.html
24Life and Career Skills
- Flexibility and Adaptability
- Initiative and Self-Direction
- Social and Cross-Cultural Skills
- Productivity and Accountability
- Leadership and Responsibility
25Information, Media and technology skills
- Information technology standards
- http//dpi.wi.gov/imt/itls.html
26Information, Media and Technology Skills
- Information Literacy
- Media Literacy
- Information, Communications, and Technology
27Learning and innovation skills
- School Counselors
- Library Media Specialists
- Special Education
- Failing Forward
- 7 Habits
- Habits of Mind
- http//dpi.wi.gov/sspw/scstudentstandards.html
28Learning and Innovation Skills
- Creativity and Innovation
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
- Communication and Collaboration
29How are we focusing on the skills
Inquiry, Critical thinking and problem solving
Skills (Critical thinking and systems thinking,
Problem identification, formulation and solution,
creativity, innovation and intellectual
Knowledge acquisition Skills (concept
development, learning how to learn)
Information and communication
Skills (information and media literacy, ICT
literacy (communication skills))
Interpersonal and self-directional
skills (Interpersonal and collaborative skills,
self-direction, accountability, adaptability,
social responsibility)
30What do you have in place?