Title: IRDAI Proposal for Insured Areas
1The Suggestion Of Model Insured Villages By IRDAI
It is expected that all the insurance agencies
must take initiative to make sure all the
villages realise the benefit of insurance.
Further, it was stated that first, the low-income
group with little savings should be covered under
the insurance plan. For executing the same the
insurance agents should communicate with
ministries that are responsible for carrying out
rural developmental schemes. Integraon of the
insurance sector and State Government will lead
to considerable penetration of insurance in rural
areas. Many economists have proved that the
Indian economy is based on rural consumption.
2Even during the pandemic, the rural market has
pulled up the economy. Seeing this, invasion of
insurance is highly recommended. Cattle and crop
are the two primary products that should be
insured first. Many insurances agencies have come
up with simple products and policies that will be
of immense help to rural life. Pricing and
promoting has to be done correctly to reach the
maximum number of people. Marketing in rural
areas works best through self-help groups.
Product customization is also needed in rural
areas. Rural areas are mainly dominated by
agricultural products hence the health and motor
insurance is of less importance.If you are
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