Title: SG Earthing Electrode: Plastic Earth Pit Cover
1Plastic Earth Pit Cover
2Plastic Earth Pit Cover is a best pit cover that
provided over earthing top to try to checkup also
as checking and recording earthing resistance
value. Being one of the pioneers in manufacturing
earth pit covers we are committed to supplying
the highest quality products yet at a reasonable
3Features of Plastic Earth Pit Cover
1. Lightweight 2. Secure Protection for all
earthing terminations 3. Environment-Friendly
rust Proof 4. Easy to put in 5. Easy
4Three sorts of plastic earth pit covers are made
by SG Power -
1. Small Size Earth pit cover - Dimensions 200mm
at Top , 250mm at Bottom, 250 Height. ( Round
Type ) 2. Medium Size - Dimension 255mm at Top,
325mm at Bottom, 255mm Height ( Round Type ) 3.
Square Type - Dimension 300 mm x 300mm ( TOP )
5Contact Us
Mr. R. K. SharmaMobile 91-9818074274Address
I-Thum, A-807, Tower A, Block A,Industrial Area,
Sector 62, Noida,Uttar PradeshIndia - 201301