Title: Superresolving Phase Filters
1Superresolving Phase Filters
- J. McOrist, M. Sharma, C. Sheppard
- A lens brings light to a focus
- Geometric optics the focus is a point
- Physical optics the focus is a distribution of
light known as a point spread function - We can control the point spread function by
changing the light at the aperture
3Basic Imaging System
4Focal Distributions
- The point spread function has two components
- - Transverse
- - Axial
- Central peak is the central lobe, and the
secondary peaks are the side lobes. - Resolving power is related to the size of the
central lobe
5What is Superresolution?
- Superresolution in general, is reducing the size
of the central lobe below the classical Raleigh
limit - Normally achieved by placing a filter in the back
focal plane of the lens - While resolution is improved, the effectiveness
is limited by - - the size of the side lobes (M)
- - Strehl Ratio - central lobe intensity (S)
6Superresolving PSF
7Problems and Motivation
- Amplitude filters have two main problems
- Central lobe intensity
- Fabrication of the filters
- Little theoretical work in phase filters, in
particular axial behaviour - Phase modulation is now possible with Diffractive
Optics and Spatial Light Modulators
8Toraldo Phase Masks
- Zone masks are very simple, both to produce and
to analyse mathematically
- This is the first type of mask we examined
- Consists of two concentric zones
- Sales and Morris first examined this type of
Mask in the Axial Direction
9Theoretical Considerations
- In the Fresnel Approximation we can describe the
axial amplitude as1
- For a filter with two zones of equal area we get
an intensity distribution
1. C.J.R. Sheppard, Z.S. Hegedus, J. Opt Soc. Am.
A 5 (1988) 643.
10Theoretical Considerations
- Due to its simple form we can easily determine
the properties of the pupil filter - We determined values for the Strehl Ratio (S),
Spot Size, and axial position. - We can also model the point spread function for
values of ?0
11PSF of Two zone Filter
- The PSF of two-zone mask as the phase varies
from 0 to Pi
12Axial Behaviour of a Two-Zone
The Strehl Ratio of a Two-Zone Element
13(No Transcript)
14Conclusions - Two Zone Filter
- Experiences a displaced focal spot from the focal
plane - Large increase in sidelobes
- Superresolution characteristics arent desirable
- Semi agreement with Sales and Morris1
1. Sales., T.R.M., Morris.,G.M., Optics Comm. 156
(1998) 227
15Higher Dimensional Filters
- If we increase N, the number of zones we find
there are solutions for Superresolution - We examined a three-zone filter, and a five-zone
filter. - We also generalised to a N-zone filter
16Binary N-Zone Filters
- Consists of N concentric annuli called zones
- We only consider equal area annuli, and zones of
equal phase difference, normally Pi. - Indeed in the case of Pi, we get an expression
for the axial point spread function
17Three-zone Filter PSF
Centered at the Focal Plane
Plots of the PSF at centered at different
positions. The dashed line is the diffraction
18Five-zone Filter
Centered at Focal Spot
Centered at the Focal Plane
Plots of the PSF at centered at different
positions. The dashed line is the diffraction
- Three and Five zone filters exhibit similar
behaviour - - Sidelobes displaced from the central spot
- - Focal Spot displacement increases
- Spot size is about half the diffraction limited
case Amplitude filters S 0
20Generalisation to N-Zone Filter
- We showed following common properties are
exhibited for N-Zone Filters when N is odd - - Sidelobes are increasingly displaced in
proportion to 2N - - Central Lobe displaced in proportion to N
- - No loss in Strehl Ratio
- - No increase in Spot Size
- Large scope for applications of filters
- - Confocal Microscopy - Scanning resolution and
control depth of scanning - - Optical Data Storage
- - Optical Lithography
- - Astronomy
- Production is now much more possible than in the
past 10 years
22Summary The Future
- Superresolution is the ability to resolve past
the classical limit - Pupil plane filters provide a way to do this in
particular phase only filters - Superresolution appears to improve as the number
of annuli is increased - Possible to control the position of the focal