Title: Rohm and Haas Electronic Materials
1Rohm and HaasElectronic Materials
- Lift2 Summer Externship
- Pat Tanona Lynne Pistorino
2Rohm and Haas
- More than 100 manufacturing, technical
research, and customer service sites in more than
27 countries
3Rohm and HaasElectronic Materials
- Marlborough, Massachusetts
4Rohm and HaasElectronic Materials
Used to define circuit patterns during chip
fabrication in the semiconductor industry.
5Making Photoresist
Empty tank
6Our Externship Projects
7Tank 206
What can be learned from the data recorded by 9
sensors on Tank 206?
- Examined the recorded data
- Graphed data--JMP
- Tracked trends and steady states for flow,
temperature, nitrogen flow, and density - Correlated the graphs to the actual process as
recorded in batch books
8BDR vs PS
What is the correlation between Bulk Dissolution
Rate and Photo Speed when making photoresist?
- Retrieved and recorded historical data from batch
books and on-line data bases - Graphed data on Excel
- Analyzed correlation using trendlines
9Skills in the Work Place
- Technical
- Personal
- Mathematical/Scientific
10Technical Skills in the Work Place
- Excel
- Intranet, Internet
- Lotus notes (email, calendar)
11Personal Skills in the Workplace
Presentation Collaboration
- Team Work
- Problem Solving
12Mathematics Skills in the Work Place
- Data analysis-graphs research
- Ratios, rates, percents
- Problem-solving
- Formulas/equations
- Order of operations
- Estimation
- Conversions
13Total Batch (in Kg) X 0.02459 Amount of Kukla
chargeIf Jeremy had only 25 kg of Kukla, what
is the largest batch size that he could make?
Classroom-Industry Connections
Problem Solving/Equations
14Scatter Plots and Trendlines
Classroom-Industry Connections
15Classroom-Industry Connections
- Collaborate
- Organize data
- Investigate trends
- Draw conclusions
Thanks to Rob Palenchar Mike Kaufman Jeremy
Lagasse all the talented and supportive people
at Rohm and Haas in Marlboro
17Rohm and HaasElectronic Materials