Title: Mooi Jewellery : Online Jewellery Store In India
1How is jewellery different for different clothes?
Everyone loves getting ready trying different
dresses with different pieces of jewellery. But
you should not forget that you can wear the same
jewelry with every outfit. Jewelry differs
according to the outfits. If you want to look
good in simple or any casual dress you should
carry the jewelry that matches the desired
outfit also. Not wearing matching jewellery can
destroy your whole look. The fashion industry is
growing very fast and introducing different ideas
for dress and jewellery. Paring your clothes with
accessories is another kind of a task. When you
are going to an office meeting you can carry a
single pendant chain with the pair of earrings
and bracelet on your formal shirt. This look will
be perfect for any kind of job meeting or
seminar. If you wear the same accessories with
your traditional dress then it will not look
good. With the traditional dress you should wear
a complete traditional jewellery set. You can go
through different magazines and blogs related to
fashion or lifestyle. You can try unlimited
pairing of dresses with jewellery and create your
own fashion trend. It is a limitless exercise
which you can do in your day to day life as you
get a chance to try different accessories while
going to the office. You can create your own blog
if you have the best ideas that should be added
in the fashion trend.