Title: Audio Video Products Testing Labs
2Audio Video Products Testing
- LED TVs, Plasma TV, Video Games, Optical Disc
Player, Music System, Amplifiers and many other
Audio Video Equipment cover under this category.
The applicable standard for these products
category is IS 616 2017/IEC 600652014
4ProductsLED TVAmplifierVideo ProjectorVideo
CamerasVideo gamesElectronic Gaming and Scoring
MachinesTeletext Equipment
5- Main Tests
- Temperature Rise Test
- Constructional Requirements
- Electric Shock Test
- Insulation requirements Test
- Fault Condition Test
- Mechanical Strength Test
- Protection Against Hazards
- Resistance to fire
- Electric Strength.
- Clearance and Creepage Distance Test
- Stability Test
6NABL Accredited
- URS Lab is NABL Accredited as per ISO 17025
for Electrical (Household, Luminaries, Batteries
Environmental, etc.), Electronics (IT, Audio
Video, UPS EMI/EMC, etc.) and Mechanical
(Automotive Toys) Testing.
7Our Product Testing Services
Automotive Testing labs Electrical Product Testing Labs EMI EMC TESTING labs Battery Testing labs Product Testing labs Thermal Testing labs Vibration Testing labs Environmental Testing labs Luminaries LED Bulb Testing Labs IT product testing labs AUDIO VIDEO EQUIPMENT TESTING ELECTRONIC HOUSEHOLD PRODUCT TESTING ELECTRICAL HOUSEHOLD PRODUCTS TESTING Salt Spray Test Endurance Test Ingress Protection(IP) Testing Safety/Function Testing Dry/Damp Heat Testing Impulse And Surge Testing Flammability Testing AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCT / ENVIRONMENTAL TESTING
8About Us
- URS Labs India is an independent test
laboratory which has been incorporated on
October, 2012. The Board of Directors of the
laboratory comes with strong entrepreneurial,
financial, technical background and has a rich
heritage of working in the field of conformity
9Contact US
- Call 91-997 130 0904info_at_urs-labs.comwww.urs-
labs.com - F-3, Sector 6 , Noida (India)