Title: Taxlegit_0
1 Private Limited company
Registration Eligibility Benefits
2How to start your business? You will start your
business with a private limited company . Along
with various government schemes.
3Lets make it easy with taxlegit
- Name approval
- Objects of the company
- Digital Signature
- Capital Structure
- Registered Office
- Director Identification Number (DIN)
- Application for Company registration
How to incorporate a private limited company ?
4Advantages of Private Company
5- Separation of Ownership from Management
6 7- Availability of Government Schemes
- Address Proof of the Company (Electricity Bill ,
Telephone Bill). - PAN of the Directors the shareholders
- Id Address Proof of the Directors (Aadhar
Bank statement) - Id Address Proof of the shareholders (Aadhar
Bank statement). - Email address and contact details of the
Directors and Shareholders. - Passport size photo of the directors and
Shareholders. - Objects of the Company
- Capital Contribution
9Proof of Incorporated Company
- Incorporation Certificate
- EPF ESIC Registration Number
- Director DIN
- Company availability on MCA (Ministry of
Corporate Affairs) website
10Call/ Whatsapp- 91 8929218091 Website
www.taxlegit.com Email- support_at_taxlegit.com