Title: anbhuappalams (9)
1Papad Manufacturers in Odisha
2Papad Raita
3The most effective method to make Papad Raita
- To start making the Papad Raita, cook the masala
papad utilizing a burner or microwave and keep to
the side. - Presently, take a major bowl, pour the curd and
whisk it to a smooth and rich consistency.
4- Add the cooked cumin, paprika powder and rock
salt to taste, blend it even and refrigerate for
2 hours. - Not long prior to serving add the generally
squashed broiled papads and finely cleaved
coriander leaves and blend well. Serve the Papad
Raita Recipe alongside Chana Pulao or some other
Pulao for a straightforward weeknight supper.
5Thank You
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