Title: My Class
1IE 553 Engineering of Human Work Dr. Andris
Freivalds Class 6
2IE 553 Engineering of Human Work Dr. Andris
Freivalds Class 6
3Mechanical Work Capacity Evaluation (Ch. 4)
- For any measurement, concerned for
- Standardization follow same procedures
- Accuracy (validity) closeness to truth
- Repeatability closeness of grouping
- Test-retest r
- Coefficient of variation (CV) s/µ
- Ease of use (industry vs. lab)
- Flexibility, interference on job
- Cost (industry vs. lab)
4Defining Joint Motion 1) For job requirements 2)
Input to biomech models
Standard Anatomical Position
- Planes
- Sagittal
- Frontal
- Transverse
5Defining Joint Motion
6Goniometers - 1
- Goniometer (protractor)
- Elgon (potentiometer)
- Flexometer (gravity sensing)
- Spatial imaging
- Photogrammetry (cameras)
- Computer collected (Vicon)
7Goniometers -2
Lumbar Motion Monitor
8Range of Motion
- Age 0-10 base, 10-16 10?, gt16 constant
- Gender Fem gt Males (by 10)
- Obesity ? ROM, ? bulk, ? activity
- Exercise ? flexibility
- Two-joint muscle effect
- Due to length-tension relationship
- 47? shoulder flex with elbow flex
- Passive vs volitional ROM
9Muscle Strength
- Need for strength evaluation
- Safe, healthy working conditions
- Inputs to biomechanical models
- MVC (max voluntary contraction)
- Must be lt bone/tissue yield strength
- Typically 30
- Must gt job strength requirements (JSR)
- Otherwise injury
10Static (Isometric) Strength
11Static Strength Testing Guidelines(Caldwell
regimen - AIHA (1974))
- Instructions Increase slowly and hold
- Duration of 4-6 seconds
- Record peak and 3-sec average
- Adequate rest, 2 min between trials
- 3 repetitions (need µ, s)
- Avoid coercion, environmental distractions
- Standardize test procedures
- Record subject attributes
- Safe (lt1/1,000), reliable (r gt 0.89), quick
12Effect of Posture on Strength
13Basis for ROM Variation
14Extensive Population Data(UM PEST, 1978)
15Dynamic vs. Static Strength
- Static underpredicts max lifting capability by
50 - Due to angled pull
- Static overpredicts max lifting capability by
10-20 - Due to inertial effects
- Dynamic better?
- R 0.9 with max lift (Kamon,1981)
- But much more variable
- Plus force-velocity effect
- Need isokinetic control
16Dynamic (Isokinetic) Strength