Title: Buy Dr Fixit Powder Waterproof 0.5Kg
1Dr Fixit Powder Waterproof 0.5Kg
2- Dr. Fixit Powder Waterproof is composed of
waterproofing additives, dispersed in inert fine
fillers. It is an integral powder-waterproofing
mixture used for waterproofing of concrete and
cement plaster, as it makes concrete cohesive,
reduces porosity and improves water tightness.
3It is an integral powder-waterproofing mixture
used for the waterproofing of concrete and cement
plaster, as it makes the concrete cohesive and
reduces porosity and improves water tightness.
Makes the mixture cohesive and denser, so the
permeability of concrete and plaster is reduced.
4- HTC Ghana provides the best Dr Fixit Powder
Waterproof 0.5Kg in Ghana. It is the no. 1 place
to buy Construction chemical, Electric items,
Hardware tools and more..
5Visit to Buy-
- https//htcghana.com/product/dr-fixit-powder-water