Title: Online collection and return
SCHERRER Philippe, INSEE, France
- The online collection and results program
- An external protected web site
- Information feedback
- An internal validation tool
- May I help you?
- We need your e-mail!
- Internet response rate is growing, month after
3The online collection and results program
- Done January 2004 Whole sale trade survey
- November 2005 Industry survey
- May 2006 Service survey
- To come Begin 2007 Construction survey
- End 2007 Investment survey
- 2008 Retail trade survey
4An external high-security web site
- The online collection is accessible directly via
http//conjoncture.entreprises.insee.fr. - It is composed of a protected application
- - of collection of the answers on line
- - of consultation of the return of personalized
results - and of nonprotected links allowing the
consultation - - of public results and general information on
business surveys
5An external high-security web site
- a unique application
- inter-connection of two systems (statistical
and internet)
Same web site
Back office treatments
6An external high-security web site
- an external application for data collection
- an internal application for data editing
- connection with the back office via XML
Back office treatments
Data Collection
Data editing
7An external high-security web site
- Data to prepare each questionnaire at the
beginning of a campaign - Response of the firms every night
- Validated questionnaires twice a day
XML file
Usual application
Data editing tool
XML file
XML file
8An external high-security web site
- High level of security outside
- special internet zone at INSEE
- Only authorized servers can dialog
- High level of security inside
- Codes and passwords
- Passwords only by mail
- Locking after ten attempts
9An external high-security web site
- Major principles for respondents
- Nothing is written on the distant computer
- Total confidentiality
- Same possibilities with the internet as with the
paper - Attention paid to ergonomics
10An external high-security web site
- Translated into IT specs
- No software needed (light client)
- SSL encryption
- Identification through LDAP
- Possibility to add / delete some products,
comments - Save send actions
- Easy to read and to fill in
11Information feedback
- Personnal feedback with login/password
- Public feedback (public results, information
about the survey)
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14A view of the online questionnaire
15Some personnal feedback
16An internal validation tool
- Between the Web and the data processing
application, an internal validation tool
micro-analysis of all answers to control them and
classify them in 3 groups (green, orange, red). - Green questionnaire all is well.
- Orange questionnaire at least a weak criterion
of control not passed. - Red questionnaires at least a criterion of
strong level not passed. - These questionnaires are then treated within the
17(No Transcript)
18(No Transcript)
19May I help you?
- Hotline
- By phone working days from 7h30 to 18h15
uninterrupted. - By mail assistance-conjoncture_at_insee.fr
20We need your e-mail!
- Need the e-mail of the respondent to send a
message - to inform them of the opening of a new
collection campaign, - to recall them to answer,
- to inform them of the publication of the
results. - Collect e-mail on paper and online form.
- Definition of regular firms that will no more
receive paper forms. - E-mail is essential to increase the internet
response rate.
21A personalized message of access to the website
22Internet response rate is growing, month after
Beginning of sending of personalized e-mail
23Internet response rate is growing, month after
- Profits - earlier answer (not-dependent on the
postal times, internet respondents answer
faster) - reduction of the overhead impression, sending,
keyboarding of data. - regular respondents
- Costs - data-processing development, computer
equipement - hot-mail, communication
- developing this system of collection requires
constant efforts which bear progressively return!
SCHERRER Philippe, INSEE, France