Lecture 1 on Globalization - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Lecture 1 on Globalization


Because it is a new concept the meanins of the notion is not clear ... It is emerging as an anarchic, haphazard, fashion, carried along by a mixture of ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Lecture 1 on Globalization

Lecture 1 on Globalization
  • Anthony Giddens
  • Presented by
  • Sofia Lulseged Abriha
  • Seid Hussein Yimam

  • The term has come from nowhere to be almost
  • Because it is a new concept the meanins of the
    notion is not clear
  • Has something to do with the theses that we now
    all live in one world
  • Different thinkers have different views
  • Sceptics and Radicals

  • They dispute the whole thing about globalisation
    (there is no thing called globalisation, it is
    just a talk)
  • The global economy is as just it is (the world is
    much the same as it was many years back)
  • There is no world market or world society
  • Most countries gain only small amount of their
    income from external trade, there is regional
    trade rather than global trade
  • Is an ideology put by free marketers who wish to
    dismantle welfare systems and cut back on state
  • Support their argument by The world is as it was
    a century ago, there was an open global economy
    at the end of the nineteenth century

  • It is REAL and can be felt everywhere
  • Global market economy more developed than ever
  • It is unresponsive to the presence of national
  • Nations have somehow lost the sovereignty they
  • Politicians no more influence events
  • Nations have become fictions, the era of
    nation-state is over
  • And Giddens supports RADICALS

  • We are experiencing is in many respects
  • It is new and is revolutionary as well
  • Examples level of finance and capital flows,
    electronic money and the fact that one can send
    money across the globe in one click which can
    destabilize economies
  • But both groups of thinkers have something that
    they are not right of

However He argues
  • Both groups have not understood the implications
    for us
  • Both groups see it only in economic terms
  • It is political, cultural, technological as well
    as economic
  • It is not only about big systems the world
    financial order but it is as well here with
    us, Family systems, women

Giddens argues contd.
  • It doesnt only have negative impacts like
    pulling away power from local communities and
    nations which it has
  • But it also has positive impacts like creating
    new pressures for local autonomy, the revival of
    local cultural identities
  • New economic and cultural zones within regions
    like Hong Kong region, Silicon Valley region

Influence of Communication Systems
  • Since the invention of the Morse code to the
    Internet, the length of time to hit 50 million
    users has been decreasing
  • 40 years for radio
  • 15 years for PC and
  • Just 4 years for the Internet to hit 50m users
  • Communication is vital that it creates
    celebrities who may be more familiar than our
    immediate neighbour
  • Examples the fall of the Soviet camp, television

Reason for changes
  • A range of factors some structural, others
    historical, economic influences
  • These are strengthened by the collapse of the
    Eastern bloc after the Cold War
  • A new economic order where the US is the only

Globalization Image
  • May seem Westernization or even
    Americanization for those outside North America
    and West Europe, seems true since most
    multinational companies have their roots to USA
  • Or maybe creating a North South divide, where
    the countries in South have little or no role in
    it statistics show the poorest have become more

  • It is not only a phenomenon of big systems, but
    also is here with us, E.g. family
  • It doesnt only have a pull away effect (local
    communities losing power), but also has a push
    down effect (creating new pressures for local
    communities Scots, Quebec)
  • It also squeezes sideways creating new economic
    and cultural zones (Hong Kong area, Catalonia,
    Silicon Valley)

  • Communications and media affect the government
  • It deepens world inequalities usually in economic
  • It can undermine local subsistence economy
  • Protectionism is introduced in some countries,
    e.g. Malaysia

Concluding remarks
  • Nation states are still there and powerful
  • Political leaders have large role in the world
  • However they have been reshaped, older
    geopolitics are becoming obsolete forcing nation
    states to rethink their identity
  • Nations no longer have enemies
  • A new global cosmopolitan society in which we are
    the first ones to live in it,
  • It is emerging as an anarchic, haphazard,
    fashion, carried along by a mixture of economic,
    technological and cultural imperatives
  • Powerlessness that happened because of the
    institutions we have rather than us which we can
    impose by
  • Creating new ones or reconstructing the ones we
  • With this we can achieve greater control of our
    Runaway World

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