Title: ausroids.is (1)
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Looking for Ultimate Test e (Testosterone
Enanthate 250mg) for your muscle growth in
Australia? Buy from online in Ausroids.is with
BitCoin. Order now https//ausroids.is/product/te
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Ultimate Anabolics Testosterone Enanthate
250mg/ml (10ml) Testosterone Enanthate
250mg/ml 10 ml 60.00
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Name Range Discount
Bulk discounts 10 - 25 50.00 as price per unit
Bulk discounts 25 - 50 45.00 as price per unit
Bulk discounts 50 - 999 40.00 as price per unit
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- How to use?
- Testosterone Enanthate can be used at a dose of
250mg to 1000mg per week (1 to 4 ML) - The most common way to use it is to split the
weekly total amount taken into 2 doses so as to
ensure that you maintain steady hormone levels. - Therefore, if you are taking 2ML a week, you
would divide this into 2 shots and take one shot
on a Monday and one on a Thursday or something
similar i.e. Tuesday and Friday.
6Buy Testosterone Australia
CONTACT Andy Peterson
EMAIL ultimatesales_at_tutanota.com
URL https//ausroids.is/
ADDRESS Australia