ATA 522 PART 4 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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ATA 522 PART 4


Welfare needs were tackled in a more basic fashion ... Emerging Turkish Bourgeoisie. expected to start investing the profits accumulated in the 1940's ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: ATA 522 PART 4

ATA 522 PART 4 2007

Single-Party Era to Multi-Party Era DEMOCRAT
PARTY ERA 1950 -1960 Transition to Democracy and
Liberalism THE SECOND REPUBLIC 1960-1961 27 May
1960 and the 1961 Constitution PLANNING AND
ECONOMIC GROWTH 1961-1973 Problems of Pluralism
1974-1980 Political and Economic Distress THE
THIRD REPUBLIC AND REFORMS 1980 - 1991 Political
and Economic Restructuring

DOWNS AND RECOVERY Towards the 21st Century 1991
- 2004

Turkey moving in the direction of a more
effective parliamentary democracy Transition
to modern community of mobile, participant
citizens Population increased 13,5 million in
1927 21 million in 1950 The proportion
living in cities rose significantly An increase
in urbanization

Literacy increased A literate, urban
population New interests and habits Anxious to be
kept informed Public opinion The number and
circulation of newspapers rose steadily The
number of wireless sets increased The
modernization of communication

THE END OF STATISM Statism created capital
allowed its accumulation in private
hands Classes became differentiated - Conflicts
were bound to arise   Difficulty in maintaining
the social order General discontent The living
standard of the peasantry worsened
THE SECOND WORLD WAR Uneven distribution of
burden when war broke out 1.    Sharp increase
in the consumption of soil products 2.   
Diminution in agricultural production / producers
drafted into the army   Shortage of bread
The villages confronted with the following
problems 1.    Shortage of land 2.    Farming
methods and techniques 3.    Large estates
distribution of national income to the
agricultural population unbalanced   Measures
necessitated by war conditions   Industrializatio
n in its initial stage was possible only by
exploiting the internal markets, chiefly the
rural ones.   Heavy taxes levied on agricultural,
despite the removal of tithe (asar)
The Industrial Workers Their number
increased Wages in remained extremely low
insufficient for an adequate standard of
living Government control barring the workers
from political activity Labor Law (1936)
Industrial workers did not benefit from any
government welfare programs until 1945 except
for a few measures connected with work safety and
hygiene Ministry of Labor established in
1945. Trade Union Law enacted in 1947 Welfare
needs were tackled in a more basic
fashion Welfare insurance (1945) and paid
holidays (1951) laws passed
National Defence Law (Milli Korunma Kanunu)
January 1940 Crop prices below the market
prices to keep down the cost of bread in the
cities to the peasants detriment Compulsory
contribution of crops demanded by the state All
crops in excess of the amount needed for family
consumption and seeding to be delivered to the
state.  Peasants had to sell their belongings to
meet the contribution quota.
The Urban and Rural Middle Classes Affected by
two major laws to      a) establish social
justice            b) stimulate
agriculture.   1.  Tax on capital (Varlik
Vergisi) 1942 2. Tax on agricultural products
(Toprak Mahsulleri Vergisi) 3.  Land Reform Law
(Çiftçiyi Topraklandirma Kanunu) 1945  
Tax on capital - Varlik Vergisi Addition revenue
for urgent military expenditures A tax upon
incomes and capital accumulated through
unorthodox means, which could not be subjected
to ordinary taxes.   On profiteers,
businessmen, and intermediaries who had acquired
wealth by speculation and black marketing with
imported goods and essential items.   The firms
of the minorities were subjected to the tax in
an arbitrary and unrealistic way.
Land Reform   A social reform to ameliorate the
situation of the peasant The purpose   1. Land
reform - To distribute land to the landless and
land-short peasants sufficient to provide a
living 2. Agricultural reform - To furnish
equipment for its cultivation -
Rationality   Produced violent criticism of the
The deputies divided into two groups  1.   
Intellectuals and government officials adopted
a social-intellectual approach. Partitioning the
land.  Natural social consequence of populism
Political viewpoint  2.    Deputies with some
personal land interests adopted a technical
viewpoint. Improving the cultivation methods.
(Rational agriculture and mechanization)  Demande
d the respect for and guarantee of the right to
private property (The preservation of the status
quo of landed property in Turkey)
Result The first concerted opposition to the
government and the formation of the Democratic
Party   The Peoples Party decided to amend the
law to appease the opposition, limiting the
land to be distributed to that owned by the
government and vakifs.   The expropriation
provisions concerning private property were
barely applied.    
  • The Memorandum of the Four (Dörtlü Takrir)
  • By Celal Bayar, Adnan Menderes, Refik Koraltan
  • Fuat Köprülü supported by Vatan and Tan
  • Turkish constitution be implemented in full
  • b) Democracy established
  •  Democratic Party (Demokrat Parti) January 1946
  • National Development Party (Milli Kalkinma
    Partisi) 1945
  • by Nuri Demirag
  • The liberalization of the economy
  • The development of free enterprise 

RPP extraordinary congress May 1946 1.
Liberalizing measures 2. Direct elections 3. The
position of permanent chairman of the party
abolished 4. The title of National leader
(Milli Sef) abolished After the congress 1. A
liberal press law 2. Autonomy for the
university National elections brought forward
from July 1947 to July 1946   Catching the
Democrats before they fully established
 Elections  DP won 62 of the 465 seats 1.
Massive vote-rigging (seçim hilesi) 2. No
guarantee of secrecy (gizli oy) during the actual
voting 3. No impartial supervision of the
elections   As soon as the results were declared
actual ballots (oy pusulasi) were destroyed
making any check impossible
Turkey was desperate for foreign financial
assistance Applied for membership of the IMF
1947 IMF established in 1944  To qualify for
membership 7 September 1947 Decisions a) A
devaluation of Turkish lira by 120 b) A number
of liberalizing measures aimed at the
integration of Turkey into the world economy
Truman doctrine 1947 Civil War in
Greece American commitment Military and
financial support for Greece Turkey to the
defence of anti-communist regimes
Marshall Plan 1947 - 1948 Financial support
to European countries Main aim a) To help
them to rebuild their economies Complementary
aims b) To sustain lucrative export market for
US industry c) To eliminate poverty as a
breeding ground for communism
1946 - A new economic Five-Year Plan similar to
pre-war plans Emphasis on autarky and state
control   1947 - A new Development Plan echoed
the wishes of the Istanbul business circles and
of the DP 1. Free enterprise 2. Development of
agriculture and agriculturally based industry 3.
Road instead of railways 4. Development of energy
sector (oil) 
  Hardly any difference between the economic
policies of the DP and of the RPP Exception
the DP wanted to sell off the state industries
Twelfth of July Declaration by Inönü (July
1947) a) Legitimized the existence of the
opposition b) Called upon the state apparatus to
be impartial Defeat of hard-liners in the
RPP 1947 Hasan Saka replaced Recep Peker 1949
Semsettin Günaltay, - a more compromise figure 
  1947 RPP Congress  RPP moved even closer to
the DP program 1. Advocated free enterprise 2.
Decided to retract article 17 of Land Reform 3.
Allowed religious education in the schools 4.
Reformed the Village Institutes
Istanbul Economic Congress - 1948 Support for
liberal economic policies American
Missions American fact-finding missions -
commissions The World Bank Report 1949
influencial in government circles in line with
the 1947 Plan 
 RECOVERY 1945-1950 - years of growth (11
growth in GDP per year) From very low level of
economic activity of WWII Large gold foreign
exchange stocks accumulated during WWII
Purchase of chrome ore by belligerents Nonavail
ability of imports
Investment Program A good position to step up
investment program Machines, contruction
materials, etc. to be imported A disguised form
of investment in agriculture Money Supply An
increase in money supply Subsidizing basic crops
to a level above world prices (wheat price about
double the going world price)
Tax Burden Tax burden of rural populace
decreased compared to urban population To stir
economic incentive Large share of the national
income channeled into the rural areas
Assistance Military and economic assistance
from the US - International position
strengthened - Domestic investment load
Autarky came to an end Incorporation speeded
up Economic growth in agricultural sector From
1947 Trade surplus changed into a trade deficit
due to fast-rising imports of machinery
Social policies   The ban on organizations with
a class base lifted (1946) Trade unions
established 1946 - linked to socialist parties
Martial law close them down   International
Labor Organization Turkey joined the ILO
1947 Law on Trade Unions a) gave to the workers
the right of organization in trade unions b)
forbade political activity strikes  DP
promised to grant workers the right to strike
(grev hakki)
Restictive policies of the governments Until
1950 labor unions acting as adjuncts of the
RPP After 1950 an independent labor
movement Special courts to handle labor cases
(1950) Weak Trade Unions because a) Small
number of industrial workers b) Low level of
education c) Extreme poverty of working class
insufficient union dues (aidat)
Private Banking Institutions Yapi Kredi 1944
Garanti 1946 Akbank 1948 The Industrial
Development Bank of Turkey (Sanayi Kalkinma
Bankasi) 1950 Purpose Recruiting capital for
private business at more reasonable terms
Liberalism in the air before the Democrats
came to power A powerful industrial bureaucracy
developed under RPP eagis State
industries Difficult to unseat KITs.
By 1950 Literacy 34.5 Population 20.9 Labor
force 10.6 million Persons employed in industry
and crafts 8.7 of the labour force Per capita
real income index 107 (1938 the base
year_(100)) - 1929 87 Bank deposits from 197
million TL (1937) to 1.031 million TL (1950)
DP A splinter group from RPP Split off from
the DP   Nation Party (Millet Partisi) Marshal
Fevzi Çakmak A more uncompromising opposition to
the RPP Religiously motivated
Election law - Bone of contention February
1950 1. Free and fair elections 2.Supervision of
the elections by the judiciary The elections of
14 May 1950 free and fair without major
incident very high turnout ( 80) (of the
electorate casting its vote)
Electoral system Majoritarian (Çogunluk
sistemi) versus Proportional Representation
(Nisbî temsil) DP received 408 seats ( 53.5)
against the RPPs 69 (39.8) Nation Party (Millet
Partisi) won 1 seat RPP votes from east of
Ankara notables, tribal chiefs large
landowners controlled the vote DP - First
political organization with a mass
following  Catch-all Party
Peaceful handover of power (1950) Peaceful
transition from autoritarianism to multi-party
democracy (1946) Unique experience in the
developing world A democratic heritage
Experiments with parliamentary election ( since
1876) Multy party democracy (1908-1913) (1924)
1950 1960 Democrat Party Era 1. Liberal
economic policies 2. Authoritarian methods to
curb the opposition 3. Relaxation of secularist
policies 4. Strengthening ties with the
West 1951 and 1953 RPP congresses 1. Six arrows
redefined 2. More emphasis on social policies  
In 1953 Democrat Party a) dominated National
Assembly b) requisitioned all the RPPs
material assets c) closed Peoples Houses
(Halkevleri) Peoples Rooms (Halk
odalari) Insecurity within DP 1953
Amendments Government control of the press and
the universities   1954 (before the elections)
The press law tightened 
  1954 Elections Increased DP majority 503
seats for the DP RPP left with 31 seats A
tremendous success for Menderes Massice support
of peasantry Policies vindicated by the economic
  Nation Party (Millet Partisi) banned in 1953
reconstituted as the Republican Nation Party
(Cumhuriyetçi Millet Partisi) won 5 seats in
Economic Development   DP trusted implicitly in
the working of the market   Foreign Capital The
Law to encourage foreign investment 1951 Foreign
investment remained extremely limited 1 of
total private investment   No more than 30 firms
  Emerging Turkish Bourgeoisie expected to
start investing the profits accumulated in the
1940s Family businesses hesitated to invest
on the scale desired by DP
Privatization of large state enterprises - a
dead letter Contributions from private sector
foreigners disappointing   40 to 50 of
investment came from the State  
Investments concentrated 1. Road network 2.
Building industry (Insaat Sektörü) 3.
Agro-industries   New roads Switch to road
transport a changeover from public to privately
owned transport to lower transport costs Tied the
country together National market Opened up
access to the villages More effective marketing
and distribution
End of Railways The building of railways came to
an almost complete halt Highways 1600 km of
hard-surfaced roads in 1950 5400 km of
hard-surfaced two-lane highways built between
1950-1960 with American technical and financial
assistance Turkey obtained the services of the
U.S. Public Roads Administration Fast-rising
number of cars, buses and trucks in private hands
Effectiveness of the investments lessened in
three ways   1. Investments uncoordinated 2.
Quick and tangible results expected 3. Investment
decisions politically inspired   
   1. Investments uncoordinated Menderes -
allergic to economic planning Associated it
with the evils of statism Denounced planning
as synonymous with communism
2. DP wanted quick and tangible results (to
reach the level of Europe within 50 years )   DP
confused development with growth a) Use of
credit facilities and investments
short-sighted b) Aimed at a high level of growth
rather than a long-term improvements in the
productive capacity
  • 3. Investment decisions politically inspired
  • Factories put up in
  • economically unpromising locations
  • b) the wrong sectors

Income distribution social policies a)
Agricultural incomes grew faster than
non-agricultural incomes Larger farmers profited
most   b) Profits grew faster than wages
salaries in the towns   Traders and
industrialists were relatively better off  
  Worsening inflation from 1955 hit wage- and
salary- earners   Still, by 1960, their real
incomes had grown considerably compared with
the immediate post-war years
Demographic Transformation Revolution 1.
Respectable increase in total population 2.
Unbanization Mass migration from countryside
to towns Major cities growing by 10 a
year Labor migration - permanent rather than
seasonal 3. Emigration to European countries
(Germany etc.)  
  Limited Capacity of new industries to
accommodate fast-growing but unskilled
workforce Small proportion found permanent
jobs in industry Most of the migrants ended up
as casual labourers or as street vendors (sokak
saticisi) Disguised Unemployment (Gizli issizlik)

  Lack of infrastructure Cities - not
equipped to receive large numbers of new
inhabitants   Satellite towns (shanty-towns)
sprang up without infrastructure No water,
electricity, roads, or sewage system (Gecekondu) S
ettlers built their houses on unused land on the
outskirts of town 
Labour Conditions  Trade Unions Law of 1947
Most unions were linked to the RPP through
Workers Bureau (Is Bürosu)   Unions forced on
the workers by the RPP   DP powerful weapon The
promise to grant the right to strike After the
elections this promise forgotten
The trade Unions Confederation (Turk Is) 1952
  Founded with moral and material assistance
from the International Conference of Free Trade
Unions   The position of the unions remained week
  Extremely low living standards of the members
Contributions (Aidat) insufficient for the
running of the organizations  
Economic Problems  Turkey suffered a trade
deficit from 1947 onwards even during the boom
years of 1950-53   Turkey had a wheat
surplus became a major wheat exporter
The boom was over by 1954  Weather conditions
worsened Turkey imported wheat once again 1956
-59 marked by spiralling inflation Prices rising
at 18 per annum Growth rate levelled out to a
mediocre 4 Barely enough to keep up with the
high birth rate No sign of self-sustaining
  • Agricultural growth
  •  Extensive farming dominant
  • achieved by a combination of
  • 1. Extension of the sown area
  • 2. Exceptionally good weather 
  • Intensive farming marginal
  • Improved agricultural techniques
  • Irrigation
  • Use of fertilizers

  Economic growth fell from around 13 to 4
  Trade deficit in 1955 was 8 times that of
1950   Government kept up the rate of imports
and investment
Turkeys strategic position in the Cold War to
get financial aid and easily borrowing terms
  In 1960 total external debt stood at 1.5
billion ¼ of the GNP The weakness of the
economy Solution for financial problems
effective taxation taxing the new wealth in the
Finances Rich (large) landowners substantial
farmers earned more than a 20 of the GDP paid
only 2 of the total tax revenue Political
considerations Populism prevented DP from
levying taxes in rural areas  
 Inflation Instead of taxation borrowed from
Central Bank printing money Inflation went
up from 3 in 1950 to 20 in 1958 hitting
a) wage-earners b) salary- earners
pensioners c) consumers in towns 
  • Measures (from September 1953)
  • Import and foreign exchange controls
  • Ending
  • Five-year period of gradual opening up of the
  • Rapid integration into the world economy

From 1954 International financial institutions
began to caution DP Classical IMF package
prescribed 1. Devaluation of TL 2. End to
artificial prices and to subsidies 3. End to
import and export restrictions DP resisted these
pressures Stuck to official fixed exchange rate
of TL
  •  Result
  • Economy deteriorated
  • Inflation grew
  • Gap between the official rate the real value of
    TL widened
  • Black-market in foreign currency by 1958
  • Instead of recognizing the economic realities
  • DP revived National Defense Law
  • Milli Korunma Kanunu (1940)
  • to enforce price controls
  • Result
  • Black market Goods disappeared from shelves

Finally DP agreed to the demands of the IMF
(August 1958) 1. Devaluated TL 2. Rescheduled
debts 3. Rised prices of KIT products  In
exchange Loan package  from USA, European
countries, IMF
The debit side of DPs Economic Policy Unsound
financial and fiscal structure Creating 1. Huge
deficits in balance of payment Debts 2.
Inflation at home Black market
The credit side mobility and dynamism   1.  Moder
nized agriculture Passage from extensive farming
to intensive farming 2.   Increased the
industrial base Large industrial firms have
their roots in the 1950s 3.   Built new road
network opening up the country Villages came
into contact with the outside world
From 1954 Economic downturn eroded support for
the DP Reasons a) Deterioration in standards of
living Limits put on the imports of consumer
goods b) Rise in the expectations of material
improvement 1957 Elections Gradual loss of
support for DP in the countryside Still kept the
support of the majority
  • Serious problem
  • Crumbling / decaying support of
  • 1) intellectuals
  • 2) bureaucracy
  • 3) armed forces
  • Results
  • Groving economic difficulties inflation
  • hitting salaried people, civil servants,
  • b) Groving authoritarianism hitting
    intellectuals universities

Measures against bureaucracy Suspected of loyalty
to Inönü and RPP Political control over the
executive and judiciary Restricted academic
freedom Incidents in the universities Increased
hold over the bureaucracy Civil servant over 25
years of service could be suspended and sent
into retirement Applied also to judges
university professors
Tension in foreign policy Riots of September
The future of Cyprus 6-7 Eylül Olaylari Events
of September 6-7 Impasses in negotiations -
Nationalist fervour fanned by the
press Expected A limited spontaneous
demonstration by students to demonstrate public
Result Demonstrations got out of
hand Developed into a pogrom (plunder) against
orthodox citizens Attack on wealth by the
inhabitants of the gecekondus
Martial law declared (Istanbul, Ankara,
Izmir) Interior minister resigned Opposition
to authoritarian policies within DP
(1955) vis-a-vis the press, the universities
the judiciary Bone of contention within DP
Right to Prove (Ispat Hakki) journalists taken to
courts should have the right to prove the
truthof what they have written Proposal rejected
by DP parliamentry group
Vote of confidence - Dissent / dissagreement
within the DP Liberal wing broke away Freedom
Party (Hürriyet Partisi) - December 1955 under
the leadership of Fevzi Lutfi Karaosmanoglu Becam
e the biggest opposition party supported by big
business Wanted A more sophisticated economic
policy planning
1956 Authoritarianism continued National
Defence Law revived to control prices and
supplies Press Law changed to strengthen further
government control of the media Political
meetings prohibited except during election
campaigns Elections due in 1958 pulled back (27
October 1957) a) Prices of agricultural products
raised b) Ten-month moratorium on farmers debts
Cooperation between opposition parties Joint
declaration of principles (4 September) Law (11
September) banned the use of combined lists in
elections 1957 Elections A major setback for
DP DP the largest party, but lost the absolute
majority DP 47.3 424 seats RPP 40.6 178
seats (in 1954 31 seats) FP (extremely
disappointing) 3.8 4 seats Republican
Nation Party (ultra-conservative) 7 4 seats
  • After the elections
  • RNP merged with Peasants Party (Köylü Partisi)
  • to form
  • The Republican Peasants National Party
  • (Cumhuriyetçi Köylü Millet Partisi)
  • December 1958
  • FP no grassroots organization - merged with
  • Infusion of new ideas to reorientate the RPP
  • social justice
  • democratic safeguards

Secularism DP confronted with an hostile
opposition A worsening economic crisis Crubling
support among city-dwellers intellectuals DP
(1957) appealed to religious sentiments a)
Described the Republicans as communists and
unbelievers b) Boasted about the number of
mosques and religious schools opened under DP
DP charged / accused of a) using religion
for political purposes b) reneging on the
secularist principles of the state DP used
religion for political purposes However DP did
not undermine the secular character of the
Kemalism (Single-Party Era) A modernization
strategy based on a positivist world
vision Religion seen as a hindrance to progress
in modernization Kemalist secularism
subjugation and integration of religion into
the state bureaucracy rather then separation of
church and state
In the 30s and 40s extremely repressive After
1946 (Multi-Party Era) Parties started to court
the Muslim vote RPP (After 1947
congress) more tolerant of religion a)
Reintroduced elective religious education in
schools training establishments for
preachers b) Faculty of Divinity in Ankara
University c) Tombs and shrines (türbe) reopened
But tried to guard against religious reaction
in politics Article 163 (Penal code)
Prohobited propoganda attacking the secular
character of the state DP (Before 1950) Great
care to emphasize secularismIslamic currents
(Sebilürresat etc.) attacked the DP
Formation of more radical opposition parties
Nation Party Dissolved in 1953 for
alleged complicity in reactionary religious
DP (After 1950) Relaxation of secularist
policies a) Restrictions relaxed on expressions
of religious feeling b) Concessions to the
feelings of the Muslim population c) Koran
reading on the wireless reversion to Arabic
for the prayer call d) Religious education
e) Parents had to opt out instead of having to
opt in f) The number of preacher schools
enlarged g) Increase in the building of
mosques h) The sale of religious literature
allowed again i) accepted the existence of
autonomous religious organizations (legitimized
  • But still
  • The DPs understanding of the secularism
  • - not significantly different from that of the
  • - did not end the integration of the religious
  • into the bureaucracy
  • Preacher remained civil servant
  • -The administration of religious endowments in
    state hands

Emergence of anti-secularism 1950-51 Dervish
sheikhs came out into the open with large
following Ticani dervish order started to smash
busts of Atatürk Persecuted vigorously by the
government Their leader, Kemal Pilavoglu sent to
jail Law against defaming Atatürks memory passed
in 1951 However Nurcu movement supported DP in
the elections
DP tacitly admitted Religion was not
necessarily incompatible with development Within
the army seen as betrayal to the Kemalist
traditions Result Islam made much prominent
in everyday life in the cities visible in urban
milieux through migration But seen a a
resurgence of Islam by intellectuals
Religious Dilemma Obscurantism or traditional
culture of the mass of population ? Interpreted
as The former subject class reasserting its
right to express itself
Economic Convergence Economic policies of RPP
and DP differed in emphasis Not in
direction SEE not turned over to private
capital State continued to invest heavily
Illiberal spirit After 1954 DP sought to
buttress their strong position by restricting
political liberties 1954-59 Prosecutions of
journalists, editors newpaper owners
Ammendments to the press libel (iftira /
hareket) laws 1956 Severe penalties for
criticizing persons in official positions Control
of the allocation of newsprint 1958
  • Amendments to Civil Service Law 1954
  • judges and university teachers after 24 years
    service or at age 60 sent to retirment
  • b) Dismissal of civil servants after a period of
    suspension (görevden el çektirme)
  • Activites of political parties curtailed
  • Amendment to the electoral law to prevent
    electoral coalitions
  • Public meetings demonstrations banned except
  • in the 45 day campaign period preceding elections

Rise in the political temperature Opposition
accused of intirfering with a) the army b)
arming its own followers Fatherland Front (Vatan
Cephesi) 1958 To broaden the DPs base To
mobilize the mass of population 1960
Investegatory Commission to investigate
activities of the opposition (Tahkikat
  • Commission set up with powers
  • To suppress newspapers
  • b) Subpoena (summon to appear before the
    Commission) persons and documents
  • c) To imprison for up to 3 years those who
    impeded its investigations
  • Commision denounced as unconstitutional by law
  • Accused of engaging in politics
  • Disciplinary action taken against them
  • Student demonstrations and riots

The effect of the restrictions Political strife
driven out into the streets The events of 28
29 April 1960 Use of the troops to suppress
demonstrations One student killed Silent
demonstration by cadets of the War Academy
(Harbiye) 21 May 1960 Dubious legitimacy of the
measures Encouraged illegitimate means of action
Opposition strong in large towns Particularly
amongst students Educated sections of society a)
Schools Universities b) Civil service c)
Military officer class Former elite displaced
from the center of the stage Fall in purchasing
power of the salaries Displaced as the elite in
society New centers of wealth and influence
Necessity to call in the army to suppress
demonstrations Army sympathy with Inönü Why
did DP cling so obstinately to power ? 1 . The
character of the DP leadership 2. Restriction on
personal basis rather than rational basis 3.
Excessive confidence in their popularity their
own legitimacy
1 . The character of the DP leadership. Activ
e participation in the authoritarian RPP not
democratic by training
2. Restriction on personal basis rather than
rational basis Inönü complex frustrated in
the RPP unable to unseat Inönü
3. Excessive confidence in their popularity
their own legitimacy Support of the bulk of
the electorate Little interference with
traditional and religious customs Underestimated
the power of the Opposition
End of Part 4
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