Title: Roma Education Research Project
1Roma Education Research Project
An IEP Initiative to Inform the OSI Networks
Strategic Thinking in Equity for Education for
In September 2000, IEP commissioned a focused
research project to examine and learn from
existing educational programs serving Roma
The research project documented the effectiveness
of various Roma education projects in answering a
set of research questions.
37 Projects
BULGARIA Intercultural Education -
Curriculum Development and Teacher Training
CZECH Roma Teaching Assistants
HUNGARY Mentored and Non- Mentored Scholarships
SLOVAKIA Centers offering educational
assistance to preschool and elementary school
YUGOSLAVIA Centers offering adapted Step by
Step Methodology
MACEDONIA Center offering educational assistance
to parents and their children from pre-school
to 12
ROMANIA Training, materials, and technical
assistance to promote school wide reform
4Informing OSI Policy
The research project was, in fact, an
instrument by which to inform strategic education
decisions, policy, for the OSI Network.
Why was this necessary to undertake?
The OSI Sub Board requested an informed and
expert opinion regarding where and how
expenditures should be spent in programming for
Roma education. This research was a first step
towards better understanding good practice,
impact, budget considerations and cooperation
with government.
- A Research Steering Group proposed a set of
questions to be answered - Questions were then sent to program managers and
directors in OSI Budapest and OSI New York for
feedback - Feedback was incorporated and questions were
refined by all the researchers and project
managers whose programs were included in the
research. - This process resulted in four key research
questions, which have served as the focus of this
research project
6What did the research set out to answer?
- Question 1 Have the selected Roma education
programs succeeded in (A) getting and keeping
more Roma children in school through graduation
and (B) improving the educational attainment of
Roma children? - Question 2 Have the selected Roma education
programs succeeded in promoting (A) changes in
attitudes toward Roma children among teachers and
other adult school staff, (B) changes in
attitudes towards Roma children among non-Roma
children and their parents, and (C) changes in
self-characterization by Roma children?
- Question 3 How have the selected Roma
education programs promoted institutional or
policy changes in the national education systems
which advance the goals of equity and educational
success for Roma children? - Question 4 What is the feasibility of
replicating aspects or elements of the selected
Roma education programs at other sites in the
same country, or in other countries within the
region taking into consideration factors such as
cost, resource needs, institutional support, and
8Participatory Approach
Emphasizes the Active Engagement of...
in the research process
10Informing Practice and Policy in Countries of
the Region
1. Research reflected on the strengths and
weaknesses of the 7 programs. Feedback is given
to each program, and the supporting Soros
Foundation (when applicable), on how they can
improve their practice.
2. Has nurtured a concept for the development of
an integrated program for Soros Foundations,
NGOs, donors, who would like to know what to
support in the future.
11POLICY 1. International Level - make general
systemic policy recommendations -- i.e those that
could be considered and discussed across the
region. Identified common policy issues and
general policy recommendations across all the
programs -- taking into account significant
differences in culture, government, economics,
education system, etc.
2. National Level - Working in cooperation with
the Soros Foundation and key actors from a
specific country to apply the key policy
recommendations emerging from the international
report, but applied to the specific context of
the country and its programs. Result in the
production of country-specific policy
12Policy Analysis An Example
Causal Relationship lower attendance less
exposure to lessons lower learning and
academic achievement
Attendance of Roma Students in School
Policy Problem Not engaged in curriculum content
Program Strategy Include accurate information on
Roma in curriculum
Policy Recommendations
13Policy Recommendations
- Create high-quality instructional materials on
Roma literature, culture, and history. - Create a curriculum framework to provide teachers
guidance in the classroom use of the
instructional materials. - Distribute both instructional materials and
curriculum frameworks to all schools in the
country. - Certify or establish training activities focusing
on strategies for incorporating these
instructional materials into classroom lessons
and teaching practices.