Title: New Trend of Environmental Engineering
1New Trend ofEnvironmental Engineering
Dr. Yi-Ching Chen Dept. of Environmental Engineer
ing Dayeh University
- Special Topics on Environmental Engineering (I)
2Global Environmental Trends -Population
Demographers estimate that there were 300 million
humans at the time of Christ. It took until 1804
for the world population to grow to 1 billion.
The UN estimates that there are nearly 6 billion
now, that number is expected to increase to 9
billion by 2050.
3Global Environmental Trends -Energy Use
The US is the greatest oil user at 3.14
tons/year. China, a large and growing country,
has a per capital use of only 0.23 tons/year.
4Global Environmental Trends - Energy Use
Oil prices have fluctuated over the years This
chart shows the equivalent -2004 per barrel and
selected events, including oil discoveries and
world wars.
5Global Environmental Trends -Atmospheric CO2
CO2 has been increasing as a result of fossil
fuels. This page presents an Excel based CO2
trend chart and monthly cycle chart of monthly
CO2 data from Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii.
6Global Environmental Trends -CO2 Emissions By
The Excel based dot plot below compares the
population, CO2 emissions and CO2 emission per
capita for the USA, Europe, china, India and the
rest of the world (ROW) for the year 2000.
7Global Environmental Trends -Global Temperature
This Excel based chart, using NASA's Goddard
Institute for Space Studies (GISS) data, shows
the annual global temperature anomalies for the
period 1880 - 2006. GISS uses the 1951-1980
period mean to establish the baseline value and
calculates individual year anomalies by
subtracting the baseline value from the year's
mean temperature.
8Global Environmental Trends -Sea Level Changes
The United nations Environment Programme reports
that mean sea levels have risen 10 to 25 cm over
the past 100 years. This sea level increase is
caused by thermal expansion of warmer water,
retreat of glaciers and ice caps and a net
positive contribution from the huge ice sheets of
Greenland and Antarctica.
9A Vision for the Future (1/6)
- Environmental Engineering is defined as that
portion of the science of environmental control
in which engineering is used to conserve and
develop worlds resources for the general
well-being of man as measured by such indices as
the absence of disease, comfort, convenience and
productivity. - Professor E. J. Kilcawley Dr. R. Burden,
- Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1955
10A Vision for the Future (2/6)
- a number of compelling needs
- The need to establish linkages between public
health, natural resource conservation, and
ecology. - The need for a coordinated approach to mitigate
the adverse impact of human actions on various
environmental media. - The need to react to the ability to detect
contaminants at very low levels. - The need to address growing public awareness and
concern about the environment.
11A Vision for the Future (3/6)
- Matter, Energy, and Waste
- 1) to make the waste more valuable, 2) to
make it more useful, and 3) to make it easier to
deal with environmentally. - Global Water Needs
- Global Communications, Open Information
- Biotechnology
- Nanotechnology
- Toxicity and Very Low Level Detection Methods
- Membrane Separation Technology ( in
Biotechnology )
12A Vision for the Future (4/6)
- Summary Statements
- In the future, environmental engineers must
regard our responsibility as conservators of
resources both energy and matter. Additionally,
we must see waste as matter and energy that is
not used beneficially. Our job is to modify the
form that waste takes, and to distribute the
impacts so as to minimize adverse effects. - Environmental engineers will be obliged to
address the shifting requirements of water
quality and quantity for all essential uses,
especially agriculture. Water reuse and treatment
for contaminant removal will be issues of
increasing concern, and use of desalting
technology will increase.
13A Vision for the Future (5/6)
- A key task of environmental engineers in the
future will be to learn how to plan and use a
growing array of communication and computational
tools. The Internet will continue to be a vital
link for professionals in the field. - Great advances in biotechnology are anticipated
in the near-term and long-term future.
Environmental engineers have an advantage of a
sound base of prior knowledge, but must be alert
to the rapid strides being made in new tools and
techniques that will result in breakthroughs in
innovative technologies. - Emerging nanotechnology developments must be
studied carefully to understand fully their
potential and dangers.
14A Vision for the Future (6/6)
- Study of the fate and effects of contaminants is
expected to continue, aided by increasingly
sophisticated modeling techniques. Risk
management will become recognized more as it is
apparent that priorities need to be established
in the face of limited financial resources. - There was a strong consensus among attendees that
membrane separation technology will be an
important treatment method in the future,
including use in desalting technology to produce
water in arid regions. - Process safety and environmental facility
security are expected to become increasingly
important to environmental engineers.
15From an after-the-event, 'react and treat'
To a forward-looking, 'anticipate and prevent
16Innovation Not a Linear Process
Technology developments
Changes in the external environment
Market knowledge
Company strategies
Knowledge of customer needs
Scientific advances
17Innovation Not a Linear Process
Technology developments
Changes in the external environment
Market knowledge
Company strategies
Knowledge of customer needs
Technology Intelligence
Scientific advances
Technology Valuation and Creation of Benefits
18Innovation Not a Linear Process
Technology developments
Changes in the external environment
Market knowledge
Company strategies
Creativity Idea Generation Breakthroughs
Knowledge of customer needs
Scientific advances
Quality of the research
Knowledge Management important throughout the
entire process- critical in the recycle loops
19(No Transcript)
20- Environmental Consideration Reduction in
- Toxics (TRI) (toxicity weighted index)
- Carcinogens???- (specific chemicals removed from
environment) - Endocrine Disrupters????? - (Specific chemicals
removed) - Persistent materials?????? - (quantity of
specific chemicals) - Greenhouse gases- (CO2, Nitrous oxide, methane,)
- Total waste generated- (total pounds), reduction
of resources - Damage to the eco-system- (specific materials)
21Evolution of Environmental Management (EM)
22What is Green Engineering (1/4)
- Green Engineering is the design,
commerciali-zation, and use of processes and
products, which are feasible and economical while
minimizing - 1) generation of pollution at the source and
- 2) risk to human health and the environment.
- Green supply chain is a concept in which
suppliers integrate the spirit of environmental
friendliness into their manufacturing management
so that their products are produced in line with
environmental awareness.
23What is Green Engineering (2/4)
- Principles of Green Engineering (USEPA)
- Engineer processes and products holistically, use
systems analysis, and integrate environmental
impact assessment tools. - Conserve and improve natural ecosystems while
protecting human health and well-being. - Use life-cycle thinking in all engineering
activities. - Ensure that all material and energy inputs and
outputs are as inherently safe and benign as
possible. - Minimize depletion of natural resources.
- Strive to prevent waste.
- Develop and apply engineering solutions, while
being cognizant of local geography, aspirations,
and cultures. - Create engineering solutions beyond current or
dominant technologies improve, innovate, and
invent (technologies) to achieve sustainability. - Actively engage communities and stakeholders in
development of engineering solutions.
24What is Green Engineering (3/4)
- The 12 Principles of Green Engineering (Anastas,
2003) - PRINCIPLE 1 - Designers need to strive to ensure
that all material and energy inputs and outputs
are as inherently non-hazardous as possible. - PRINCIPLE 2 - It is better to prevent waste than
to treat or clean up waste after it is formed. - PRINCIPLE 3 -Separation and purification
operations should be a component of the design
framework. - PRINCIPLE 4 - System components should be
designed to maximize mass, energy and temporal
efficiency. - PRINCIPLE 5 - System components should be output
pulled rather than input pushed through the use
of energy and materials. - PRINCIPLE 6 - Embedded entropy and complexity
must be viewed as an investment when making
design choices on recycle, reuse or beneficial
disposition. - PRINCIPLE 7 - Targeted durability, not
immortality, should be a design goal.
25What is Green Engineering (4/4)
- The 12 Principles of Green Engineering (Anastas,
2003) - PRINCIPLE 8 - Design for unnecessary capacity or
capability should be considered a design flaw.
This includes engineering one size fits all
solutions. - PRINCIPLE 9 - Multi-component products should
strive for material unification to promote
disassembly and value retention. (minimize
material diversity) - PRINCIPLE 10 - Design of processes and systems
must include integration of interconnectivity
with available energy and materials flows. - PRINCIPLE 11 - Performance metrics include
designing for performance in commercial
after-life. - PRINCIPLE 12 - Design should be based on
renewable and readily available inputs throughout
the life cycle.
Anastas, P. Zimmerman, J. Design through the
Twelve Principles of Green Engineering,
Environmental Science and Technology, 37, 94A
101A, 2003.
26What is Green Supply Chain (1/7)
- A Green Sustainable Supply Chain can be defined
as "the process of using environmentally friendly
inputs and transforming these inputs through
change agents - whose byproducts can improve or
be recycled within the existing environment. This
process develops outputs that can be reclaimed
and re-used at the end of their life-cycle thus,
creating a sustainable supply chain."
The whole idea of a sustainable supply chain
is to reduce costs while helping the environment.
27What is Green Supply Chain (2/7)
- A four step decision making process approaching
to implement a Green Supply Chain. - The first step is to identify environmental costs
within your process or facility. - The next step is to determine opportunities which
would yield significant cost savings and reduce
environmental impact. - The third step is to calculate the benefits of
your proposed alternatives. - The last step is to decide, implement and monitor
your improvement solutions.
28The Extended Supply Chain
What is Green Supply Chain (3/7)
29Potential benefits of Green Supply Chain
What is Green Supply Chain (4/7)
- Reduced product life cycle costs ? increased
profitability. More specifically, effective
environmental management results in the avoidance
of the following costs - Cost avoidance of purchasing hazardous materials
as inputs, which reflect the internalized costs
associated with environmental harm. - Cost avoidance of storing, managing, and
disposing process waste, particularly as waste
disposal becomes increasingly expensive. - Cost avoidance of stigmatization or market
resistance to environmentally harmful products. - Cost avoidance of public and regulatory hostility
towards environmentally harmful organizations.
30Potential benefits of Green Supply Chain
What is Green Supply Chain (5/7)
- Reduced environmental and health risks ? reduced
liability risks - Safer, cleaner factories
31What is Green Supply Chain (6/7)
Performance Measures of Extended Supply Chain
32What is Green Supply Chain (7/7)
Performance Measures of Extended Supply Chain
33Green Productivity (?????)
- Green Productivity was launched in 1994 in line
with the 1992 Earth Summit recommendations that
both economic development and environmental
protection would be key strategies for
sustainable development. - It is the application of appropriate productivity
and environmental management tools, techniques
and technologies to enhance productivity and
protect the environment. - The technical definition of productivity is a
relationship between the quantity of output and
the quantity of input used to produce the output.
Productivity Output1 / Input2 1 Output
includes products and services that can be
represented by sales, value added or physical
quantities. 2 Input includes labor, raw
materials, machinery, energy, capital and so on.
34Cleaner Production (????)
- Cleaner Production (CP) is about changing
products or production processes to achieve the
conservation of raw materials, water and energy,
elimination of toxic and dangerous raw materials,
and reduction in the quantity and toxicity of all
emissions and wastes at source. - CP describes a preventative approach to
environmental management. It is neither a legal
nor a scientific definition to be dissected,
analyzed or subjected to theoretical disputes. It
is a broad term that encompasses what some
countries/institutions call eco-efficiency, waste
minimization, pollution prevention (P2), or green
productivity (GP). - Pollution control is an after-the-event, 'react
and treat' approach. CP is a forward-looking,
'anticipate and prevent' philosophy.
35GP ensures profitability and enhances Quality of
37Distinguishing Characteristics of GP
38Conventional Versus GP Practices
39Benefits of Implementing GP
- For enterprises
- Reduction of waste through efficient resource
utilization - Lower operational and environmental compliance
costs - Reduction or elimination of long-term liabilities
and clean-up costs - Increase in productivity
- Compliance with government regulations
- Better public image
- Increase in competitive advantage
- Increase in market share and profitability
40Benefits of Implementing GP
- For employees
- Greater workers participation
- Potential increase in employees share of
value-added - Improvement in health and safety in the workplace
- Better quality of work life
- For consumers
- High quality products and services
- Reasonable pricing
- On time delivery
41What is RoHS?
- In 1998, the European Union (EU) began to turn
its attention to the large amounts of hazardous
material being dumped into landfills throughout
Europe. - Responding to vocal and continuing calls for
action, the WEEE (Waste Electrical Electronic
Equipment) directive was enacted by the EU a
move that in turn spawned the Restriction of
Hazardous Substances (RoHS) directive. - RoHS directly regulates the concentration levels
of substances considered hazardous in electrical
and electronic equipment. The substances
regulated include - Cadmium
- Hexavalent Chromium
- Lead
- Mercury
- Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBBs)
- Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDEs)
42What is ISO 14000? (1/4)
- The International Organization for
Standardization (ISO) is a non-governmental
organization established in 1947. The mission of
ISO is to promote the development of
standardization and related activities in the
world with a view to facilitate the international
exchange of goods and services and to developing
cooperation in the spheres of intellectual,
scientific, technological and economic activity. - ISO 14000 is actually a series of standards that
cover everything from environmental management
systems ( The EMS ) to auditor qualifications to
as yet unwritten standards for such things as
life cycle assessment.
43What is ISO 14000? (2/4)
- Objectives of ISO 14000
- The objective of ISO 14000 is to improve
environmental performance of organization and to
harmonize different national environmental
management standards in order to facilitate
international trade. - ISO 14000 is designed to provide customers with a
reasonable assurance that the performance claims
of a company are accurate.
44What is ISO 14000? (3/4)
- Benefits of ISO 14000
- Protection of environment
- Equal competitive basis
- Demonstrated compliance with regulations
- Establishment of effective management system
- Reduced cost
- Reduced injuries
- Improved community relations
- Improved customer trust and satisfaction
- Improved upper management attention
- Provide a world wide focus of Environmental
Management - Protections of trade at international level from
adopting different set of environmental
principles, regulations etc. - Adoption of regional and national environmental
standards that create barriers to international
trade and add to the costs of certain products.
45What is ISO 14000? (4/4)
- The ISO 14000 Series documentation is comprised
of five major basic components
46(No Transcript)
47Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (1/8)
- Environmental Management Systems (EMS)
- There are two main Environmental Management
Systems -- the ISO's ISO 14000 and the European
Union's Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EMAS). - The ISO defines an Environmental Management
System (EMS) as "a systematic approach to dealing
with the environmental aspects of an
organization. It is a 'tool' that enables an
organization of any size or type to control the
impact of its activities, products or services. - The EMS is not prescriptive -- it doesn't specify
how environmental targets should be met -- but
rather provides a framework in which
organizations can examine their practices and
then determine how these can be managed.
48Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (2/8)
- Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)
- LCA provides a systematic approach to measuring
the use of resources/inputs and the release of
effluent to the air water and soil during the
lifetime of a product, from its manufacture to
its disposal. - Most LCA measurements are made by summing the
units of energy consumed in the extraction of raw
materials, transport, manufacture, distribution
and final disposal of a product or service. - According to the ISO 14040 series standards, LCA
should assess the potential environmental aspects
and potential aspects associated with a product
or service by compiling an inventory of
relevant inputs and outputs, evaluating the
potential environmental impacts associated with
those inputs and outputs, interpreting the
results of the inventory and impact phases in
relation to the objectives of the study.
49Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (3/8)
- Public Environment Reporting (PER)
- PER (also referred to as Corporate Environmental
Reporting, CER) is the process by which
businesses, factories, governments and other
organizations examine their environmental
performance and publish the information to the
general public annually. - A typical PER includes background information
about the organization, the organization's
environmental policy, progress made towards
specific targets established in previous reports,
and new targets or actions to improve the
organization's environmental performance in the
future. - It will allow society better to understand the
full implications of corporate activity, thereby
to design more sustainable local and global
50Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (4/8)
- Environmental Indicators (EI)
- EI allow the measurement of environmental impact
caused over a defined time period. They are
essential to determine how well firms and other
organizations are improving their
"eco-efficiency". - EI can be used at the regional, national or
international level, and are frequently cited in
state-of-the-environment reports. They are used
to calculate the impact of human activities -
over time - on the environment. - Good indicators have a strong connection from the
measurement of some environmental condition to
practical policy options. - Using indicators to measure environmental
performance and to help determine whether
countries are on track towards sustainable
51Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (5/8)
- Environmental Accounting (EA)
- Environmental Accounting involves the
implementation of accounting systems that take
into account environmental costs such as waste
treatment and disposal costs, the costs of a poor
environmental reputation, and environmental risk
insurance premiums besides costs of resources
(such as air, water and energy). - Frequently, firms do not know the environmental
costs of their business, because these have been
too narrowly defined - only as the costs of
complying with environmental regulations. - EA is used to find these hidden costs, and
classify them correctly. EA attempts to help
management assess true environmental costs, and
also the costs and benefits of alternative
52Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (6/8)
- Industrial EcologyIndustrial Ecology involves
the incorporation of cleaner production
principles into the planning of industrial
developments and other projects to optimize
environmental protection and cost effectiveness. - Codes of PracticeCodes of Practice are
standards, usually developed on a sectoral basis,
to provide guidance on environmental issues such
as resource use, emissions, waste disposal, etc. - Environmental Audits Environmental audits are
carried out to identify all of the environmental
impacts made by a firm. They are normally carried
out before the implementation of cleaner
production so that changes to practices and
processes can be identified and assessed.
53Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (7/8)
- Environmental LabelingEnvironmental Labeling
involves including labels on products which
inform potential purchasers of the product's
environmental impact. These labels require a
standard for comparing products. - Performance Based Contracting (PBC)PBC has been
used mainly in the energy sector. It involves a
third party contractor taking responsibility for
running a portion of the business. The contractor
can get financial rewards for making the business
more efficient. - Design for Environment (DFE)
- DFE is the systematic consideration - during
product design - of issues associated with the
environment over the entire life cycle of a
product. This approach attempts to create
financial and environmental savings by
redesigning products to reduce environmental
54Tools of Environmental Management (EM) (8/8)
- Eco-EfficiencyEco-Efficiency involves increasing
production while reducing the environmental
pressure per unit produced. - Environmental TaxesEnvironmental Taxes involve
the development of a tax system which increase
the incentive for industry to adopt cleaner
production and eco-efficiency.
55Green GDP?????? (1/5)
- Classical economists say more growth in the gross
domestic product (GDP) or gross national product
(GNP) means a better, more productive society. Or
does it? Those economic activities also use up
natural resources, and some economists now argue
that the GNP should include the costs of changes
to the environment. - In simple terms, green GDP is calculated by
deducting the cost of depleting natural resources
and environmental degradation from the
traditional GDP. - For environmentalists, well-being provided by
nature is as important as well-being provided by
market consumption. Societies should be able to
see how market consumption affects the
consumption of public goods like beautiful views,
clean air, and clean water.
56Green GDP (2/5)
- The capital approach to sustainable development
to sustainable development is most closely
associated with the thinking of is most closely
associated with the thinking of economists on the
green GDP. - The green GDP does offer a great deal with the
does offer a great deal with the measurement
framework of natural capital and its relationship
to sustainable development. - Natural capital comprises three principal
categories natural resource stocks, land and
57Green GDP (3/5)
- Natural capital may fall into one of three groups
of functions groups of functions - Resource function covers natural resources drawn
into the economy to be converted into goods and
services for the benefit of mankind the benefit
of mankind - Sink function absorbs the unwanted by-products of
production and consumption - Service function provides the habitat for all
living beings including mankind.
58Green GDP (4/5)
The example for Green GDP
59Green GDP (5/5)
- In 2004, China announced that the green GDP index
would replace the Chinese GDP index itself as a
performance measure for government and party
officials at the highest levels. - As an experiment in national accounting, the
Green GDP effort collapsed in failure in 2007,
when it became clear that the adjustment for
environmental damage had reduced the growth rate
to politically unacceptable levels, nearly zero
in some provinces. In the face of mounting
evidence that environmental damage and resource
depletion was far more costly than anticipated,
the government withdrew its support for the green
GDP methodology and suppressed the 2005 report,
which had been due out in March, 2007.
60Green Energy (1/7)
- Green energy is a term describing what is thought
to be environmentally friendly sources of power
and energy. Typically, this refers to renewable
and non-polluting energy sources.
A solar trough array
Hydropower wheel
Wind turbine
61Green Energy (2/7)
- Green energy includes natural energetic processes
that can be harnessed with little pollution.
Anaerobic digestion????(??methane) , geothermal
power, wind power, small-scale hydropower, solar
power, biomass power, tidal power and wave power
fall under such a category. Some versions may
also include power derived from the incineration
of waste.
62Green Energy (3/7)
- Green power is considered a subset of renewable
energy (Graph 1) and represents those renewable
energy sources with the highest environmental
benefit. - Currently, renewable energy accounts for roughly
2.3 - of the United States energy supply.
63Green Energy (4/7)
- Sometimes, organizations find the total value
created from a green power purchase to be greater
than its cost. Benefits produced from a green
power purchase can include - Producing no net increases in (anthropogenic -
human caused) greenhouse gas emissions - Reducing air pollution
- Meeting organizational environmental objectives
- Creating positive publicity and increasing public
image - Displaying civic leadership
- Producing customer, investor, or stakeholder
loyalty, and employee pride - Providing a hedge against future electricity
price instability - Differentiating your organizations brand in the
marketplace - Stimulating local economies
- Increasing domestic security through a more
diverse fuel mix - Encouraging long-term cost reductions for
renewable energy - Reducing the vulnerability of our nations energy
64Green Energy (5/7)
- Biomass is a collective term for all plant and
animal material. A number of different forms of
biomass can be burned or digested to produce
energy. Examples include wood, straw, poultry
litter and energy crops such as willow and poplar
grown on short rotation coppice and miscanthus. - Biomass is a very versatile material and can be
used to produce heat (for space and water
heating), electricity and a combination of heat
and power (electricity).
65Green Energy (6/7)
- Burning biomass releases about the same amount of
carbon dioxide as burning fossil fuels. However,
fossil fuels release carbon dioxide captured by
photosynthesis millions of years agoan
essentially "new" greenhouse gas. Biomass, on the
other hand, releases carbon dioxide that is
largely balanced by the carbon dioxide captured
in its own growth. - The use of biomass can reduce dependence on
foreign oil because biofuels are the only
renewable liquid transportation fuels available. - Biomass energy supports agricultural and
forest-product industries.
66Green Energy (7/7)
- Biomass is the only renewable energy source that
can be converted directly into liquid fuels -
biofuels - for transportation needs (cars,
trucks, buses, airplanes, and trains). The two
most common types of biofuels are ethanol and
biodiesel. - Ethanol is an alcohol, the same found in beer and
wine. It is made by fermenting any biomass high
in carbohydrates (e.g. sugar cane, maize and
corn) through a process similar to brewing beer. - Biodiesel, however, is not an alcohol but is an
ester, which is similar to vinegar. Many
vegetable oils, animal fats, algae, or even
recycled cooking greases are used to produce