Title: : :SLD
??? Recent Advances in Video Adaptation for
Mobile Device Networking ??? Recent Advances
in Scalable Video over MIMO Wireless Channels
Dr. Chang Wen Chen
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Dr. Chang Wen Chen received his BS from
University of Science and Technology of China in
1983, MSEE from University of Southern California
in 1986, and Ph.D. from University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign in 1992. Currently he is Allen
Henry Distinguished Professor at Florida
Institute of Technology. He was on the faculty of
Electrical Engineering Department at the
University of Rochester from 1992 to 1996, on the
faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Department at the University of Missouri-Columbia
from 1996 to 2003. He also served as the Head of
Interactive Media Group at David Sarnoff Research
Labs from 2000 to 2002, managing multi-million
dollar research in MPEG-4 video coding and mobile
wireless video transmissions. He is a Fellow of
IEEE for his contributions in digital image and
video processing, analysis, and communications,
and a Fellow of SPIE for his contributions on
electronic imaging and visual communications.
??? This talk will first present an overview of
research activities in wireless multimedia
communication and networking in the multimedia
communication group at the Wireless Center of
Excellence, Florida Institute of Technology. Then
this talk will present some recent advances in
video adaptation for mobile devices access via
wireless networking. The research in such
emerging applications of video transmission has
been driven by the fundamental changes in recent
mobile wireless revolution, especially, in the
distribution of video contents from conventional
fixed reception of TV sets to the contemporary
mobile access by numerous portable and handheld
devices via wireless networking. We shall address
the need and demonstrate the innovations to meet
the challenges in the pervasive distribution of
video contents to resource limited mobile
devices. In particular, three different research
issues will be presented (1) video decoding at
mobile devices with severe resource constraints,
(2) video adaptation for mobile devices with
limited display, and (3) video adaptation for
browsing through mobile devices. Both analytical
and experimental results will be shown to
demonstrate that the proposed approaches are able
to consistently perform the required video access
tasks in such an emerging mobile wireless video
communication and networking applications.
??? This talk will first present an overview of
research activities in wireless multimedia
communication and networking in the multimedia
communication group at the Wireless Center of
Excellence, Florida Institute of Technology.
Then, this talk will focus on research projects
in video over simultaneous multiple mobile
wireless links. The research in such a new type
of video transmission has been driven by the
fundamental changes in wireless communications
from single antenna systems to multi-antenna
systems. We shall address the need and
demonstrate the innovations to meet the
challenges in conducting research in this
emerging area. In particular, recent advances in
(1) layered scalable video transmission, (2)
sub-channel power re-allocation, and (3) adaptive
channel selection with partial channel status
information, will be presented. Both analytical
and experimental results will be shown to
demonstrate that the proposed approaches are able
to consistently outperform the conventional
single channel schemes in terms of improved video
quality, reduced computational complexity, and
superior flexibility to adapt to limited resource
constraints in mobile wireless video
communication and networking applications.
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