Title: UV Sterilization Box Online India
1UV Sterilization Box Online India
- Order Now On Biofimed.com
- 15 L - https//biofimed.com/product/uvee-360-steri
lization-box-15l/ - 30 L - https//biofimed.com/product/uvee-360-steri
2Our vision is to bring about a transformation in
health hygiene and strive towards a safer world
3Our Strengths
Biofi is an amalgam of strong leadership that
provides vision and direction, a
multi-disciplinary team that brings in vast
industry experience and our IP-driven expertise.
Core strengths that have resulted in
award-winning products and trusted partnerships
with leading brands.
4UVEE Sterilization Box
The need to sanitize daily-use objects that we
use and touch every day is becoming crucial as
airborne microbes settle on these objects,
causing an increased risk of infection spread.
Biofi's UVEE360 uses UV-C technology to achieve
99.99 sterilization of any object in just 60
seconds. This device incorporates 360-degree UV-C
exposure and ensuring complete sterilization of
everyday objects placed within the appliance.
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7For More Details
- Visit https//biofimed.com/about-us/
- Call us 1-800-120-5851
- Email Us at contact_at_biofimed.com
- Location BIOFI Medical Healthcare India Pvt.
Ltd.,Pixel A Block, 2nd Floor,PES University
Electronic City South Campus,Hosur Road
Konappana Agrahara,Electronic CityBengaluru,
Karnataka 560100