Title: QCD from the vacuum to high temperature
1QCD from the vacuum to high temperature
2Analytical description of phase transition
- Needs model that can account simultaneously for
the correct degrees of freedom below and above
the transition temperature. - Partial aspects can be described by more limited
models, e.g. chiral properties at small momenta.
3Higgs picture of QCD
- spontaneous breaking of color
- in the QCD vacuum
- octet condensate
- for Nf 3 ( u,d,s
C.Wetterich, Phys.Rev.D64,036003(2001),hep-ph/0008
4Many pictures
- of the QCD vacuum have been proposed
- monopoles, instantons, vortices, spaghetti vacuum
- in principle, no contradiction there may be
more than one valid picture - most proposals say essentially nothing about the
low mass excitations in real QCD, i.e mesons and
baryons - different for Higgs picture !
5Electroweak phase diagram
6Masses of excitations (d3)
small MH
large MH
O.Philipsen,M.Teper,H.Wittig 97
8Higgs phase and confinement
- can be equivalent
- then simply two different descriptions
(pictures) of the same physical situation - Is this realized for QCD ?
- Necessary condition spectrum of excitations
with the same quantum numbers in both pictures - - known for QCD mesons baryons -
9Spontaneous breaking of color
- Condensate of colored scalar field
- Equivalence of Higgs and confinement description
in real (Nf3) QCD vacuum - Gauge symmetries not spontaneously broken in
formal sense ( only for fixed gauge ) - Similar situation as in electroweak theory
- No fundamental scalars
- Symmetry breaking by quark-antiquark-condensate
10Analogy between weak and strong interactions
11Quark antiquark condensate
12Octet condensate
- lt octet gt ? 0
- Spontaneous breaking of color
- Higgs mechanism
- Massive Gluons all masses equal
- Eight octets have vev
- Infrared regulator for QCD
13Electric charge
- lt octet gt ? 0
- Spontaneous breaking of electromagnetic U(1)
symmetry - (some components of octet carry electric charge
similar to Higgs mechanism for hypercharge in
electroweak theory) - Combined U(1) symmetry survives
- (cf. QI3 ½ Y in e.w. standard model)
14Electric charge of quarks
15Flavor symmetry
- for equal quark masses
- octet preserves global SU(3)-symmetry
- diagonal in color and flavor
- color-flavor-locking
- (cf. Alford,Rajagopal,Wilc
zek Schaefer,Wilczek) - All particles fall into representations of
- the eightfold way
- quarks 8 1 , gluons 8
16Related earlier ideas K.Bardakci,M.Halpern
I.Bars 72 R.Mohapatra,J.Pati,A.Salam
76 A.De Rujula,R.Giles,R.Jaffe
78 T.Banks,E.Rabinovici 79 E.Fradkin,S.Shenker
79 G. tHooft 80 S.Dimopoulos,S.Raby,L.Suss
kind 80 T.Matsumoto 80 B.Iijima,R.Jaffe
81 M.Yasue 90 M.Alford,K.Rajagopal,F.Wilczek
99 T.Schaefer,F.Wilczek 99
- Chiral symmetry breaking
- SU(3)L x SU(3)R SU(3)V
- Color symmetry breaking
- SU(3)c x SU(3)V
SU(3)diagonal - Quarks 3 x 3 8 1
- Gluons 8 x 1 8
- Similar to high density QCD
- Alford,Rajagopal,Wilczek
18Octet condensate
- Color symmetry breaking
- SU(3)c x SU(3)V
8 x 8 1
lt ? gt
19Quarks and gluons carry the observed quantum
numbers of isospin and strangenessof the baryon
and vector meson octets !They are integer
21Quantum numbers match !
- Of course , there are many more excitations
- (resonances ).
- Strong interactions bound states
22Higgs description seems possible - is it simple ?
23Effective low energy model for QCD
- Composite scalars
- ( quark-antiquark- bound states )
- Gauge invariance
- Approximation
- renormalizable interactions
- for QCD with scalars
- Comparison with observation?
24Low energy effective action
- This simple effective action will yield the
masses and couplings of the baryons,
pseudoscalars and vector mesons, ( including
electromagnetic couplings by covariant
derivatives ) ! - ( five parameters , to be later determined by
26New scalar interactions
- Gauge covariant kinetic term
- Effective potential
- Yukawa coupling to quarks
- Remember no fundamental scalars
- Effective couplings should be calculable from QCD
i.e. gauge coupling or confinement scale
28Effective octet potential
simple instanton computation
?0 150 MeV
M? 850 MeV
Chiral anomaly !
29Masses of physical particles
determine three phenomenological parameters
30Phenomenological parameters
- 5 undetermined parameters
31Chiral perturbation theory
- all predictions of chiral perturbation theory
- determination of parameters
32First conclusions
- Spontaneous color symmetry breaking plausible in
QCD - QCD - computation of effective vector mass needed
- Simple effective action can account for mass
spectrum of light baryons and mesons as well as
their couplings - Gluon - Meson duality
- Quark - Baryon duality
33Nonlinear formulation
- Use of nonlinear fields makes physical content of
the effective action more transparent. - Similar to nonlinear fields for pions
- Selection of nonlinear fields follows symmetry
content of the theory
34Gauge invariance
- Higgs picture is a guide for ideas and a way to
compute gauge invariant quantities at the end - Intuition can be misleading for certain questions
- Effective action, U( f,? ) gauge invariant
- Nonlinear fields gauge singlets
- Only assumptions
- A) minimum of U preserves global SU(3)
- B) minimum not for ?0
- ( for appropriate gauge and normalization of
? )
35Nonlinear fields p,K,?, ?
36Nonlinear fields diquark cloud
- The product Wv transforms as an antidiquark
- B-2/3
- v color triplet
37How quarks get dressed as baryons
38Gauge bosons/vector mesons
39All fields except v are gauge singlets
40Effective action in terms of physical fields
41Effective action in terms of physical fields
linear fields
nonlinear fields
Insert expressions for ?,A,?,f
42Nonlinear local symmetry
- Has been investigated since long ago in the
- context of chiral theories, describes ? - bosons
- Here
- Not postulated
- Consequence of local color symmetry SSB
- Gauge bosons gluons ? - bosons
- Predictions correct !
43Reparameterization symmetry
- Decomposition into nonlinear
- fields is not unique. E.g.
- N can be multiplied by unitary
- transformation from left, and
- W from right.
- local U(3)
- reparameterization symmetry
infinitesimal transformation
45Pion nucleon coupling
Two more successful predictions
F,D are not fixed by chiral symmetry !
46Pseudoscalar mesons
- Kinetic term for pseudoscalar mesons as in
chiral perturbation theory
47Vector mesons
48Electromagnetic interactions
- include by
- covariant
- derivative
49? - couplings
50? - couplings
Vector dominance is realized by Higgs picture of
51Connection to gauge invariant formulation for
linear fields
- Vector channel use singlet fields
- (in addition to A,f,? fermions
omitted here ) - Solve field equations for colored bosons
- Gf,? contains directly the information for
gauge invariant correlation functions
52A - ? mixing
Insert solution A?
Mixing produces mass shift
53Conclusion (2)
- Phenomenology
- works well for
- simple effective action
54Chiral phase transition at high temperature
- High temperature phase transition in QCD
- Melting of octet condensate
- Lattice simulations
- Deconfinement temperature critical temperature
for restoration of chiral symmetry - Why ?
55 Simple explanation
56Temperature dependent effective potential
57Temperature corrections to effective octet
58Vacuum effective potential ( T0 )
59Interesting relation between Tc and ? properties
60A simple mean field calculation
61Conclusions ( 3 )
- Coherent picture for phase diagram of QCD
- is emerging
- Gluon meson duality allows for analytical
calculations - Quark-baryon duality
- Direct contact to quantities of nuclear
62Questions ?
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64Lattice tests
- a) Continuity
- Add fundamental scalar octets and start in
perturbative Higgs phase - ( large negative mass term ).
- Remove scalars continuously by increasing the
mass term to large positive values - Phase transition or analytical crossover ?
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- Instanton computation of U(f,?)
- (improve by nonperturbative flow equation )
- Check continuity between Higgs and confinement
description by lattice simulation - Explicit construction of a local diquark operator
with transformation Wv - (nonvanishing expectation value )
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