Title: Parikshit Kalra - Remarkably Capable Expert
1Parikshit Kalra
Sr Vice President- Solutions and
Capabilities,-Global Growth Strategy at Hinduja
Global Solutions Inc
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3Parikshit Kalra is a trained six sigma master
blackbelt who is an expert in business process
improvement, financial modeling, and service
delivery. He has experience in business
excellence and transformation with insight into
IT enabled industry across various countries such
as Mexico, North America, India, and Canada.
4Parikshit Kalra has worked with different
companies for consulting and managing in retail,
insurance, telecom, utilities, customer service,
and many more. He works hard for the sake of
facilitating his clients. As a leader, designer,
and implementer for different companies,
currently in the HGS business.
5Parikshit Kalra is the senior vice president in
solutions capabilities in Hinduja Global
Solutions in Illinois, US. He has been managed
functions in migrations consulting as well.
6Parikshit Kalra worked as assistant vice
president in Exl service Noida where he led the
delivery support for British Gas operations and
redesigned the Ops support function in the UK and
awarded with Everyday Hero at British Gas UK for
Hardwork and Challenge. Parikshit Kalra is a
successful professional who has a certified
outsourcing professional in IAOP, USA.
To know more about him visit his official site