Title: Geometric Crossover for the Permutation Representation
1GSICE 2005
Geometric Crossover for the Permutation
Alberto Moraglio Riccardo Poli amoragn,rpoli_at_e
- Abstract Geometric Operators
- Geometric Crossover for Permutations
- Geometric Crossover for TSP
- Conclusions
3I. Abstract Geometric Operators
4What is crossover?
5Mutation Nearness
- Mutation is naturally interpreted in terms of
nearness offspring are near the parent - Example Binary StringP 0 1 0 1 1 1O 0 1 0
1 0 1 - NEARNESShd(P,O)1
6Crossover Betweenness
- Crossover is naturally interpreted in terms of
betweenness offspring are between parents - Example Binary StringP1 0 1 00 1 0P2 1 1
01 0 1O 0 1 0 1 0 1hd(P1,P2)4hd(P1,O)3
hd(O,P2)1 - BETWEENNES P1---O-P2
7Geometric Crossover
- DEFINITION geometric crossover is any
recombination operator for which there is at
least a (metric) distance such as all offspring
are between parents - Definition properties
- - is representation-independent
- clear-cuts crossover from non-crossover
- generalises many pre-existing crossovers
8Geometric Crossovers across Representations
- Many pre-existing recombination operators are
geometric under suitable distance - BINARY one-point, two-points, uniform crossovers
- REAL VECTORS line, arithmetic, discrete
(non-geometric extended line) - PERMUTATIONS PMX, Edge Recombination, Cycle
Crossover, Merge Crossover (non-geometric order
crossover) - SYNTACTIC TREES homologous one-point uniform
crossovers (non-geometric subtree swap
9Geometric Operators Formalization
BALL All points within distance r from x
SEGMENT All points between x and y
UNIFORM ?-MUTATION offspring z are taken
uniformly within the ball of radius ? from the
parent x
UNIFORM CROSSOVER offspring z are taken
uniformly within the segment between parents x
and y
10Advantages of Geometric Operators
operators are geometric - SIMPLIFIED ANALISYS natural interpretation of
crossover within the classic notion of
neighbourhood landscape - GENERAL THEORY formal definition dynamical
equations ? representation-independent
evolutionary dynamics - CROSSOVER DESIGN formal definition specific
distance ? specific crossover
11II. Geometric Crossover Design for Permutations
12Distance Representation
- IN PRINCIPLE abstract genetic operators are
well-defined for any distance without any
reference to solution representation - IMPLEMENTATION REQUIREMENT however a distance
must be rooted in the solution representation to
make the crossover implementation possible
(practical) - EDIT DISTANCES firmly rooted in the solution
representation and guiding crossover
13One Representation, Many Crossovers
- Binary Strings are associated with Hamming
Distance (HD) - Uniform Geometric Crossover under HD corresponds
to uniform crossover for binary strings - Permutation representation can be naturally
associated with many distances - Since for each distance, there is one crossover
there are many different uniform geometric
crossovers for permutation representation
14Edit Distances for Permutations
- Reversal (A B C D E F) ? (A E D C B F)
- Insert (A B C D E F) ? (A C D E B F)
- Swap (A B C D E F) ? (A D C B E F)
- Adj.Swap (A B C D E F) ? (A C B D E F)
Edit Distance minimum number of edit moves to
transform one permutation into the other
15PermutationEdit Move Neighbourhood Structure
Shortest path distance edit distance
Line segment in the neighbourhood structure
all shortest paths connecting two nodes
16MAGIC OF EDIT DISTANCES Neighbourhood/syntax
- NEIGHBOURHOOD Picking offspring on shortest path
connecting two nodes -
- SYNTAX picking offspring on minimal sorting
trajectory between parent permutations using the
edit move as sort move (minimal sorting by x)
17Many sorting algorithms do minimal sorting by X
Ordinary Sorting Algorithm Minimal Sorting by X
Bubble Sort Adj. Swap
Insertion Sort Insert
Selection Sort Swap
Quick Sort No Fix Move!
Geometric Crossovers Sorting Crossovers!
18III. Geometric Crossover Design for TSP
19Distance Problem Knowledge
- IN PRINCIPLE abstract genetic operators are
well-defined for any distance without any
reference to the problem at hand - PROBLEM KNOWLEDGE REQUIREMENT however, a
problem-independent distance does not put any
problem knowledge in the search. A good distance
embeds problem knowledge. - HEURISTICS Good neighbourhood, Good crossover
pick the edit distance whose edit move induces a
neighbourhood structure that is known to be good
for the problem
20Geometric Crossover for TSP
- A known good neighbourhood structure for TSP is
2opt structure space of circular permutations
endowed with reversal edit distance - Geometric crossover for TSP picking offspring
on the minimal sorting trajectories by sorting
one parent circular permutation toward the other
parent by reversals (sorting circular
permutations by reversals)
21(No Transcript)
22Approximated Geometric Crossover
- BAD NEWS sorting circular permutations by
reversals is NP-Hard! - GOOD NEWS there are approximation algorithms
that sort within a bounded error to optimality
(used in genetics) - A 2-approximation algorithm sorts by reversals
using sorting trajectories that are at most twice
the length of the minimal sorting trajectories - Approximation algorithms can be used to build
approximated geometric crossovers for TSP
23Results for TSPLIB (typical)
Big Population No mutation Until Convergence
24Good results lot of room for improvement
- SBRX better than ERX for bigger instances
- good empirical results based only on theoretical
considerations - Possible improvements
- Fine parameter tuning
- Better approximation algorithm
- Geometric uniform crossover
- Circular permutations instead of linear
25IV. Conclusions
- Geometric Interpretation Formalization of
Genetic Operators - Mutation ? Nearness ? Ball
- Crossover ?Betweenness ? Line Segment
- Crossover Design for Permutations
- Implementation requirement distance based on
syntax - One representation, many distances ? many
crossovers - Edit distances for permutations geometric
crossovers sorting algorithms! - Crossover Design for TSP
- Problem knowledge requirement distance makes
landscape smooth - Edit distance for TSP reversal distance (2-opt)
- Sorting circular permutations by reversals
(NP-Hard) - 2-approximation algorithm for approximated
geometric crossover - Good empirical results based only on theory!
27Thank you for your attention Questions?