Title: 8 Small Steps Toward Financial Protection
18 Small Steps Toward Financial Protection
21. Create a budget.
- The first step toward getting financially fit is
to create a budget. Everyone needs an
understanding of how much theyre earning, how
much theyre spending, and how theyre going to
meet their current and future financial goals.
The Federal Trade Commission has information on
how to create a budget. Once you outline your
budget, make sure to stick to it. Also make sure
to regularly revisit it and adjust it as needed.
32. Control and minimize debt.
- Your budget will help you keep track of where
your money is going. It will also help you
identify areas where youre overspending. Its
critical to cut out any excess spending. Also
work to minimize your debt load. So long as you
have debt, youll be responsible for paying
interest. (So definitely make an effort to pay
more than the minimum on your credit card each
month!) Set goals to pay off your debt and track
your progress.
43. Automate an emergency fund.
- An emergency fund is money you set aside for
unforeseen expenses. They could be an unexpected
home or car repair or a job loss. Most financial
professionals recommend having three to six
months of basic living expenses in an emergency
fund. However, it takes time to build those
funds. Automate the process by having part of
your paycheck deposited into a special emergency
fund account. You can also have your bank
automatically transfer funds to a savings account
earmarked for emergency expenses. Even a small
amount each week can help you get there.
54. Get life insurance Cambridge to protect your
loved ones and review it annually.
- Life insurance provides your loved ones with
money to maintain their lifestyle if you die.
This money is known as the death benefit and it
can replace your income, pay off debts like a
mortgage, and cover funeral costs. It can also
help with future expenses like college tuition,
retirement, and much more. Experts recommend
having life insurance that equals between 10 to
15 times your gross income. For a working idea of
how much you need, use an online calculator like
the Life Insurance Needs Calculator. Then work
with an insurance professional to explore your
options and get the right coverage. Make sure to
review your life insurance annually or after a
big life change like buying a new house, having a
baby, or changing jobs.
65. Protect your paycheck with disability
insurance and review it annually.
- Disability insurance is one of the best ways to
protect your most important asset your paycheck.
Disability insurance typically replaces 50 to
70 of your earnings if youre unable to work due
to a disabling illness or injury. An easy way to
calculate how much you might need is to use an
online calculator like the Disability Insurance
Needs Calculator. Make sure to review your
coverage with your HR department or insurance
professional as your salary increases.
76. Keep beneficiaries up to date.
- Its important to update the beneficiaries on
your financial accounts like your life insurance
Cambridge or 401(k). This is especially true
after major life events such as a marriage,
divorce, birth, or death. Not having the right
beneficiary can lead to money going to the wrong
person or delays in disbursing money.
87. Put a will in place.
- A will is a document that allows you to specify
certain things after you die. They can include
how your assets will be distributed, who will
make sure your wishes are carried out, and who
will take care of any minor children. Without a
will, the state could decide who gets your
children and more. Fortunately, the process of
creating a will is not as complicated as many
people believe. And its well worth it since it
spares your loved ones from all kinds of
headaches. A lawyer can help you create a will
and discuss other issues like power of attorney.
98. Save for retirement.
- Tap into any available resources to help grow
your retirement nest egg. That includes enrolling
in your companys 401(k) plan or looking into
other retirement savings options like an IRA.
Definitely take advantage of any matching funds
your company makes to your 401(k) contributions.
Matching funds are like free money. Whats
more, the contributions you make to your 401(k)
reduce your taxable income.