Title: How to Write an SEO Friendly Headline
1How to Write an SEO Friendly Headline for Press
- Presented By
- Illinois News
2tips you must keep in mind while writing the
headline for your press release
"When you have written your headline, you have
spent 80 cents out of your dollar"
3Identify the Keywords to Optimize
4Use the Keywords in your Title
Make sure to use the most important keywords in
the Title for Maximum Reach
5Use Long Tail Keywords
They take you to the target reader group quickly
and also cut the competition
Limit the number of characters to 80
Though it is better to pack most of the keywords
in the title but try to restrict the number of
characters to a maximum of 80 for Press Release
7Try including Company name in the Headline
Headlines work as the title tag as they appear at
the top of a web browser
8The Title Tag goes a long way in helping a web
page in Search Engine Rankings
9Contact www.bipillinois.com the leading Press
Release Distribution Service
10Get in Touch! Skype Name - Aleen Taylor Skype
Id- livecid.c3a23935c5ecb5e0 Whatsapp -
919212306116 Email - contact_at_pressreleasepower.co
m Mobile - 1 646 204 3425