Title: International Technology Education Association
1International Technology Education Association
- Gallup Poll
- on
- What Americans Think
- About Technology
- March, 2002
2- Research funded by National Science Foundation.
- Process for this research
- Developed questions (based on Standards for
Technological Literacy) (Jan.-March, 2002) - Gallup conducted survey in Spring of 2001 (1,000
interviews, random sample by telephone) - Analyzed data (Summer, 2001)
- Wrote report (Fall, 2001)
- Released report (January 17, 2002) at National
Academy of Engineering Symposium on Technological
3Survey Demographics were also Analyzed by
- Gender
- Age
- Education
- Region of Country
- Occupation (Technological or Other)
- Other Factors
4Gallup Poll Major Categories of 17 Questions
- Understanding of Technology (1-5)
- Attitude towards Technology (6-11)
- Technology and Education (12-17)
5Table 1. Just your opinion, how important is it
for people at all levels to develop some ability
to understand and use technology? Would you say
it is
Note The 18-29 and age 50 and older categories
are reported because they show the greatest
6Table 2. When you hear the word technology,
what first comes to mind? (open-ended question)
Note Numerous other responses were received
however, no others were mentioned by more than
7Table 3. I want to give you two definitions and
ask you to tell me which more closely fits what
you think of when you hear the word,
technology. Do you think of computers and the
Internet, or do you think of changing the
natural world to satisfy our needs?
8Table 4. When you hear the word design in
relation to technology, which one are you more
likely to think of a creative process for
solving problems or blueprints and drawings
from which you construct something?
9Table 5. Now, what about you? To what extent do
you consider yourself to be able to understand
and use technology? Would you say a great
extent, to some extent, to a limited extent, or
not at all?
10Table 6. Which of the following statements best
describes your attitude toward the various forms
of technology you use in your everyday lives.
11Table 7. Now, tell me whether you strongly
agree, mostly agree, mostly disagree, or strongly
disagree with each of the following statements.
How about
12Table 8. To which of the following do you feel
technology is of the most importance and has the
greatest effect?
13Table 9. Tell me, how much input do you think
you should have in decisions in each of the
following areas a great deal, some, not very
much, or none at all? How about
14Table 10. Again, just testing your knowledge.
Let me ask you if you could explain each of the
following to a friend just answer yes or no.
Could you explain
15Table 11. Just based on your understanding, tell
me if each of the following statements is true or
false. How about
16Table 12. When a national shortage of qualified
people occurs in a particular area of technology,
which of the following solutions would you feel
is the most appropriate course of action for the
U. S to take?
17Table 13. Using a broad definition of technology
as modifying our natural world to meet human
needs, do you believe the study of technology
should be included in the school curriculum, or
18Table 14. (Asked of those saying it should be
included in the curriculum.) Should the study of
technology be made a part of other subjects like
science, math, and social studies, or should it
be taught as a separate subject?
19Table 15. (Asked of those saying separate
subject.) Should the subject be required or
20Table 16. Tell me how important it is for
schools to prepare students in the following
areas. Would you say it is very important,
fairly important, not very important, or not
important at all?
21Table 17. Should students be evaluated for
technological literacy as part of the high school
graduation requirements?
22Full Report of Findings was released in January
2002 at National Academy of Engineering Symposium
23ITEAs Full Report of the Gallup Poll was in the
March 2002 The Technology Teacher and on the
24ITEA encourages additional research based on this
Gallup Poll (complete set of data tables
- URL http//www.iteawww.org
- Email standards_at_itea-tfaap.org
- Thank you!