Title: Joint work with Byron Cook, Matthew Parkinson,
1Proving that non-blocking algorithms don't block
Alexey Gotsman University of Cambridge
- Joint work with Byron Cook, Matthew Parkinson,
- and Viktor Vafeiadis
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2Coarse-grained locking
Inefficient as only one thread operates on
the list at a time
3Non-blocking concurrency Treiber's stack
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v do t Top
x-gtnext t while(!CAS(Top,t,x))
data_t pop() Node t, x do t Top
if (t NULL) return EMPTY
x t-gtnext while(!CAS(Top,t,x)) return
struct Node Node next data_t val
4Non-blocking concurrency
- Many non-blocking data structures
- queues, skip lists, hash tables
- Complicated and hard to get right
- Used in practice
- Suns java.util.concurrent
- Intels Threading Building Blocks
- ...
- Formal verification desirable
- memory safety/data structure consistency Yahav
2003, Calcagno 2007 - linearizability Amit 2007, Manevich 2008,
Vafeiadis 2009 - termination
5Treiber's non-blocking stack termination
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v do t Top
x-gtnext t while(!CAS(Top,t,x))
data_t pop() Node t, x do t Top
if (t NULL) return EMPTY
x t-gtnext while(!CAS(Top,t,x)) return
struct Node Node next data_t val
- push or pop may not terminate if other threads
continuously modify Top - However Some operation will always terminate
6Liveness properties of non-blocking data
- Wait-freedom Any thread is guaranteed to
complete any operation - Lock-freedom Some thread is guaranteed to
complete some operation - Obstruction-freedom Any thread is guaranteed to
complete any operation provided it eventually
executes in isolation - Satisfied under any scheduler
7From lock-freedom to termination
8From lock-freedom to termination
9From lock-freedom to termination
10Rely/guarantee separation logic
Vafeiadis-Parkinson 2007
data_t pop() Node t, x do t Top
if (t NULL) return EMPTY
x t-gtnext while(!CAS(Top,t,x)) return
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v do t Top
x-gtnext t while(!CAS(Top,t,x))
struct Node Node next data_t val
Push or Id
Pop or Id
11Rely/guarantee separation logic
Vafeiadis-Parkinson 2007
data_t pop() Node t, x do t Top
if (t NULL) return EMPTY
x t-gtnext while(!CAS(Top,t,x)) return
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v do t Top
x-gtnext t while(!CAS(Top,t,x))
struct Node Node next data_t val
Push or Id
Pop or Id
12Lock-freedom of Treiber's stack
data_t pop() Node t, x do t Top
if (t NULL) return EMPTY
x t-gtnext while(!CAS(Top,t,x)) return
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v do t Top
x-gtnext t while(!CAS(Top,t,x))
struct Node Node next data_t val
Push or Id
Pop or Id
- The do loops terminate if no-one else executes
Push or Pop infinitely often - No-one executes Push or Pop infinitely often
- Hence, push and pop terminate
liveness assumption
13Wish list
- Formal system for thread-local judgements
- Tool for discharging the judgements
- Proof rules for combining the judgements
- Strategy for proof search
14Wish list
- Formal system for thread-local judgements
- Tool for discharging the judgements
- Proof rules for combining the judgements
- Strategy for proof search
- P, Q assertions interpreted over
LocalStatesSharedStates - , languages of finite and infinite
words over SharedStatesSharedStates
16Property specification
- push doesnt execute Push or Pop infinitely
often - push terminates if no-one else executes Push or
Pop infinitely often
17Wish list
- Formal system for thread-local judgements
- Tool for discharging the judgements
- Proof rules for combining the judgements
- Strategy for proof search
18Discharging thread-local assumptions
Automata-theoretic framework Vardi 1991
Fair termination of
SmallfootRG Calcagno 2007
Abstract transition system
Magill 2007
Equiterminating integer program
Terminator with fairness Cook 2007
19Wish list
- Formal system for thread-local judgements
- Tool for discharging the judgements
- Proof rules for combining the judgements
- Strategy for proof search
20HSY stack Hendler-Shavit-Yerushalmi 2004
- push and pop terminate if no-one else executes
Push, Pop, or Xchg infinitely often - No-one executes Push or Pop infinitely often
- push and pop dont execute Xchg infinitely often
if no-one else executes Push or Pop infinitely
often - Hence, push and pop terminate
void push(data_t v) Node t, x x new
Node() x-gtval v while(true) t
Top x-gtnext t if(CAS(Top,t,x))
return him colpos
while(!CAS(colpos,him,pid)) him
Push or Id
Xchg or Id
Others or Id
21Layered proof
I dont execute Push or Pop infinitely often
I dont execute Push or Pop infinitely often
I dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg infinitely
I dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg infinitely
I terminate
I terminate
22Layered proof
I dont execute Push or Pop infinitely often
I dont execute Push or Pop infinitely often
I dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg infinitely
I dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg infinitely
I terminate
I terminate
23Proof system
- push and pop dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg
infinitely often if no-one else executes Push or
Pop infinitely often
24Proof system
- push and pop dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg
infinitely often if no-one else executes Push or
Pop infinitely often
25Proof system
- push and pop dont execute Push, Pop or Xchg
infinitely often if no-one else executes Push or
Pop infinitely often
26Proof system
27Proof system
28Proof system
29Proof system
30Wish list
- Formal system for thread-local judgements
- Tool for discharging the judgements
- Proof rules for combining the judgements
- Strategy for proof search
31Proof search strategy
- Relies/guarantees of the form
are usually sufficient - Only a few actions per algorithm
- Can perform a forward proof search with relies
and guarantees of this form
32Proof search strategy
Proof valid for an arbitrary number of threads
- Run the safety checker
- Iteratively eliminate actions
33Wait-freedom and obstruction-freedom
- Wait-freedom
- Obstruction-freedom
- representing a safety property is usually
sufficient - Can take the one computed by the safety checker
34Case studies
- Treiber's stack Treiber 1986
- HSY stack Hendler 2004
- Non-blocking queue Michael, Scott 1996
- Linked list Michael 2002
- RDCSS Harris 2002
35Conclusion Myths about liveness
- Liveness is extremely hard
- Push-button tool for verifying practical
algorithms - Proofs reflect algorithm structure
- Liveness is trivial
- Devising a compositional method
- Non-trivial termination arguments
- Complex supporting safety properties
Details in POPL09