Title: Organic and Fresh Fruits & Vegetables Home Delivery
1Organic and Fresh Fruits Vegetables Home
Choice of the Wise is committed to providing
nutritious vegetables, cultivated in an ethical
socially responsible manner, within a sustainable
ecosystem that benefits everybody involved. It is
founded on the premise that food is fundamental
to life, and natural, healthy, delicious food can
make life better for all of us.
3Select Your Veggies
Pick your weekly list of supplies. Select from
the available harvest of a variety of farm-picked
vegetables - Indian, exotic, seasonal and staples.
4Choose Your Basket
Choose a subscription that meets your needs. Pay
first and avail the freshest and safest veggies.
5Finalize Your Order
Confirm your order for each week and let us know
in advance when you don't need your supplies. In
that case your subscription will automatically
extend by a week.
6We Deliver You Enjoy
At your doorstep from our farms every week with a