Title: CDF R5900 MAPMT Experiences
1CDF R5900 MAPMT Experiences
- Outline
- CDF usage
- Testing
- Performance
- Comments
- Not sure what to cover in this talk threw in a
bit of everything - Been 8 years since wrote req. I have
forgotten much
2Usage in Calorimeter - Overview
- Mechanical Structure
- Reuse existing Hadron steel
- Replace EM detector
- PES Detector Elements
- Scint. Strips WLS readout
3Shower Maximum Detector Elements
- A position detector embedded at 6 l deep in
the EM calorimeter measures the position - of es and gs
- Sub-millimeter position resolution for energies
gt 100 Gev - 6400 channels of 5mm strips
- 416 MAPMTs
Hamamatsu R5900-M16 in CDF mount
4Endplug Preshower
- First layer of EM section read out separately
- MAPMTs are the same as used in the SMD(R5900-M16
Hamamatsu) - 72 Tubes used
- High Eta - use only 8 pixels/tube
- 1 cm thick tiles
- Same tower structure as EM(960 channels)
5Calorimeter Frontend Electronics
SMD crate - 21 MAPMTs Read out by each
crate Green is RG-174 cabling From tubes
- Schematic of Calorimeter and
- and Front end electronics readout
- path
Schematic of Calorimeter and front end readout
6Location PMT boxes
- Common enclosure w/ Cal PMTs
- Temp. controlled
- dark
- Laser - One pixel pulsed per MAPMT of PES and PPR
- Monitors tube gain - but only one pixel
- Assumption is that tube gain will drift for all
pixels - Impractical to do more than one pixel/tube in
mixed system
- CDF bought 470(PES) 80(PPR) tubes
- Use 416(PES) and 72(PPR) on detector
- 16400 6400, so using 416 means we had some
wasted channels - PES cost - 1115/tube- bare
- Bases/mounts built by CDF
- Total cost for that testing 200K
- Custom mount, CNC built to align well with 16
optical fibers delivering light
- Tubes generally received in good shape from
Hamamatsu - Rejected 12 tubes of 470, bulk had lost vacuum
- Bulk of tubes produced in 1996
- my memory is not so great
- Hamamatsu tubes may be different now
- Tested
- Gain/QE
- Cross talk
- Linearity
- Stability
- Dark Current
9MAPMT Gains - Summary
- 31 specification maxmin gain for pixels in a
tube - Average gains show no systematically hot or
cold pixels
10Quantum Efficiency - Summary
- Preshower tubes show 3 higher QE
- Produced 2 years after Shower Max
- Specification is QE gt 5
- Good uniformity
11Cross Talk and Relative Gain
- Cross Talk
- Signal seen in one pixel from light on another
- Each histogram pixel color shows crosstalk
for that pixel for light incident on one of the
other 15 - Require lt 5
- Relative Gain
- Plots show pixel gain on MAPMT face
- 3 HV values(2 shown)
- Gain shown relative to highest gain pixel in tube
- Require lt31 variation
Quite sensitive to fiber type delivering light,
if there is any gap
12MAPMT Linearity
- 505 nm LED used
- Light intensity varied
- Stable, Linear Monitor Tube
- 400 counts 100pC
- Require lt10 dev at 100pC
- Tubes were quite marginal in this regard many
barely met the spec
13Background Light Gain Stability
- Gain Stability for high and low DC background
light - Mimics high and low eta sections of det.
- Require lt 5 gain shift in 24 hours
- Running experience is that they are quite stable
in gain over the first two years radioactive
sources show minimal shift
14Power Cycling Gain Stability
- Require lt5 gain shift when cycling HV power
15Gain - Summary
- Correlation - Ham. Gain and UCLA
- Gain spread and Abs. Value within spec.
16MAPMT Dark Current
- Dark current provides floor for radioactive
source current measurements - lt 100 pA dark current makes negligible
contribution to measurement error
- Good ¼ tubes not the same as larger ones
- Linearity in our tubes was not great
- Lots of connections at rear of tube
- CDF chose to make the connector at the tube
- Cheap connectors ? numerous single channel
problems after several recablings - Soldered cables to transition boards
- Might have been better (more costly also) to
solder at the tube end and put a connector at the
electronics - Need to control the fiber/tube face gap carefully
- Reflections can cause cross talk
- Integration is important
- Minos probably has much more current data