Title: TelBari Organic Herbal Skincare
1Welcome to TelBari Organic Herbal Skincare
TelBari Inc. was founded in 2005 in Nashville TN,
as a necessity for eco- friendly products for the
TelBari is determined to provide high quality
green, facial products, face moisturizers to get
healthier skin. TelBari came into the market for
the first time with colored creams due to the
color of the vegetable oils and herbs. Therefore,
the bleaching ingredients were never used.
2Mission Statement
Our mission is to develop skinceutical and
organic herbal skin care products, which are
unique and have recognizable Vegan skincare
ingredients. TelBari cream is considered the best
organic skin care product as the spring water
used in the formulations are further activated by
a sacred ratio of positive energy frequencies and
vibrations, which support the skin tightening and
rejuvenation of the skin. Some beauty creams
formulated by TelBari are considered rejuvenate
skin care products, by their qualities of
reshaping the complexion. TelBari addresses a
variety of skin concerns such as sensitive skin,
premature aging, sun damage, loss of skin
vitality, as well as different skin ailments.
3Our Environment
We are very cautious about the environment.
TelBari skin care products are eco-friendly.
TelBaris creams are very rich in nutrients such
as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential
fatty acids. As a fresh vegan product, TelBari
Organic herbal cosmetic cream is delivered into a
tight airless jar specially designated to
preserving all the nutrients, including vitamins
the antioxidants.