Title: 4 Usage of Mojipic Digital Display Board
14 Usage of Mojipic Digital Display Board
Mojipic device is one of the best device to
express feelings while driving, at the restaurant
and more places. It can be controlled through any
android and IOS device. You just need to install
an app in your phone and connect your mojipic
device with it. Once paired, you can draw as you
wish, you can type words and also can select
ready made emoji, words and more. Find the most
used cases in the next slides.
This device can be used in the most fun and
entertaining way. You can set up this car emoji
display behind your cars window and send
different emojis, texts to communicate with the
driver behind you in a fun way. Also you can
install this device in any other places where
you want to express your feelings with emoji and
animated text etc.
4Transportation Professionals
Do you know transportation professionals like
Uber, Lyft use mojipic device to display their
logo and passenger name so that the passengers
can identify the car in any congested area and
even at night. They also provide access of the
device to the passengers so that they dont get
bored while traveling. Passengers would choose
cars which has the device installed on. It helps
them to spend time in the car.
5Game Days
This device lets you play any 8 bit pre-installed
game real time. You can run competition with your
friends and do lot of fun together. Real time
drawing is also one of the fun features of
Mojipic device. You can use it in different ways
to make fun while get together at your home or
anywhere else.
Mojipic device is also very helpful to display
wishes on special occasions, national holidays
and more. This device is able to display any kind
of animated texts, emojis, pictures and more. Buy
a Mojipic device today to have fun and make your
day special.
7Thank You