Title: General Characteristics of the Ryazan region
1General Characteristics of the Ryazan region
- The Ryazan region was formed on26, September
- The area of the territory is 39,6 thousand sq. km
- The number of the population of the region is
1239 thousand people
- The administrative center of the region the
city of Ryazan (population 535 thousand
people)is situated in 200 km to the South-East
from Moscow
2General Characteristics of the Ryazan region
- The climate of the region is mild continental
- The average temperature in January -10 degrees ?,
in July 20 degrees ?
- Annually the average fall of rain snow makes
500 mm (25-30 - snow)
3Natural Resources of the Ryazan region
- The Ryazan region is rich in natural resources
peat, limestones, marls, fire-clays
high-melting clays, sands, phosphorites,
gypsiferous soils, coal, brown hematite
- On the territory of the region there are over 500
large natural water basins
- The general area of forests makes 1053 thousand
ha, - including the coniferous woods - 590
thousand ha
4External Economic Activity
The general commodity turnover of the region for
the 9 months of the year 2004 made 1187,68
million US , which is, as compared to the
analogous period of the previous year, 26,57
million US more
Export - 1025,12 million US . Import - 162,56
million .
The positive balance of the foreign trade -
862,56 million US .
In the Ryazan region there are over 100
enterprises with foreign investments registered
over 60 branches.The volume of products,
manufactured by these enterprises, makes over 5
of the general volume.
5External Economic Activity
The basic foreign trade partners of the Ryazan
region are the following
For export Latvia, Estonia, Canada, Italy, the
Ukraine Turkey
For import Kazakhstan, Germany, the Ukraine,
Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands USA
6Industry of the Ryazan region
The industrial complex remains the basic one in
the structure of the regional economy makes
over 30 of the gross regional product.
7Industry of the Ryazan region
The economic potential of the region is formed by
mechanical engineering metal processing,
electric energy production, oil-refining
industry, food industry, construction materials
industry, light industry, non-ferrous metallurgy,
chemical industry.
The basic kinds of industrial products are the
following oil products, chemical fibres,
metal-cutting mechines, radio electronic
products, medical devices, forge-pressing
equipment, automobile aggregates, machines for
public utilities, non-ferrous metals,
construction materials, leather, textiles,
garments footwear, food products. The main
center of industrial production is Ryazan, where
more than half of all products is manufactured.
8Structure of industrial production of the region
(branch shares in ) in 2004
9The growth of the physical volume of industrial
products in the Ryazan region in 2004 (
compared to 1997)
The growth of industrial production in 2004, as
compared to the previous year, made 4,8
10Energy, transport, communications
- The energy complex of the Ryazan region is one of
the basic branches in the social-economic
developemnt of the region.
- The Ryazan region consumes only 40 of the
electric energy produced here, which allows to
provide the development of energy-intensive
- The region possesses the well-developed network
of railway automobile roads. There is the
equipped river port in Ryazan
11Agricultural complex of the Ryazan region
- The Ryazan region is the area with the advanced
agriculture. The share of agricultural complex in
the gross product makes over 20 .
- The available lands for agriculture make 2600
thousand ha.
- The cattle-breeding of the region is specialized
on the production of meat milk.
Poultry-breeding is also well developed in the
region there are 6 large poultry farms. The plant
growing is oriented to provide the
cattle-breeding with fodder, as well as to
produce grain crops, sugar-beet potatoes.