MLM Software plays a vital role for prosperous multi-level marketing corporates.
MLM Software refers to multi level marketing ( MLM ) / Affiliate marketing management tool.
Being a web based software, it can be managed from anywhere in the world.
MLM Software can be integrated with websites or web apps
A Good, MLM Software can be integrated with E-Commerce systems, so that online product selling can be managed with MLM Software.
A Good , web based MLM Software will be designed for client requirements, like custom plans, Custom UI.
MLM Software must be capable of adding new users to the system. via referral or direct registration.
MLM Software must be capable of supporting custom compensation plans.
6 Adequate Infosoft
It provides a wide range of Information Technology services designed for business productivity. From expert installation, outsourcing and implementation to Hosted Solutions.
Services- Software development,Web applications, Mobile Applications,Q/A testing,Digital Marketing