Title: Electronics Lab 20260465
1Electronics Lab20-260-465
- Measurements Lab
- Electronics I
- Electronics II
- Make interpret measurements
- Recognize equipment limitations
- Verify some device characteristics studied in the
lecture course - Learn about some new devices circuits
- Two people per squad
- Access on your assigned day 800 - 600
- Both partners must be present at all times
- TA help in the afternoon times
- One lab report per squad per week
- 4 quizzes 12 Jul, 26 Jul, 9 Aug, 23 Aug
- Reports count 60
- Quizzes count 40
- Lab work preparedness, orderliness, attitude
as judged by the TA. This adds or subtracts
- TA Brian Garber
- Instrumentation Specialist John Phillips
- Eating or drinking is not permitted in the lab.
(Neither is smokin, spittin or cussin) - Keep unused books, backpacks, etc. off the work
areas. Store them on the wall shelves or under
the benches.
- The last person leaving the room must close the
door. At night, they must also turn out the
lights. (Kill-a-Watt !) - Make certain that all equipment is turned off
when you leave.
- Dont borrow equipment from another lab.
- Dont remove any equipment from Electronics Lab.
- Don't move equipment from one bench to another.
- Don't block vent holes or fans in any equipment.
- Use all equipment gently, especially knobs on
small pieces of equipment. - Return all resistors and capacitors to their
proper drawer in the cabinets. - Report all malfunctioning equipment immediately.
- Cover sheet
- Course Name and Number
- Title of Experiment
- Partners' Names
- Date
- Experiment sheet(s).
- Background theory of the experiment.
- Results Graphs where appropriate, Tables
where appropriate. - Data Both measured and calculated, clearly
labeled. - Sample calculations.
- Discussion of Results
- The discussion should not be any longer than
necessary. Punctuation errors, misspelled words
and poor sentence structure are not acceptable. - Do not use any report folders. Simply staple the
report in the upper left corner.
- A graph should be given a complete and meaningful
title showing what it represents and as many of
the conditions as possible. - If the title refers to one variable as a function
of another, it should be ordinate as a function
of abscissa, not the reverse.
- Label axes completely with the names of variables
and their units or dimensions. Abscissa labels
should read left to right. Ordinate labels should
read bottom to top. - The independent variable should be on the
abscissa and the dependent variable on the
- Select a convenient and readable scale so that
interpolation may be made easily and so that the
graph is spread to a convenient and readable
- The position of experimental points should be
shown be some type of symbol. If several curves
are drawn on the same set of axes, different
symbols should be used for each curve and each
curve should be identified in an easily
understandable manner. If experimental points are
being compared with a theoretical curve, the
curve should be so labeled.
- Curves are drawn through experimental points in
most cases to smooth the data and show the
general law of variation. Use a French curve do
not draw by hand. - Horizontal graphs should be put in the report
with their tops to the inside of the report
19Diodes BJT Transfer Characteristics
- Experiment 1
- http//www.eng.uc.edu/jnevin/Elec_lab/diodes.htm
20Electronics Lab 20-260-465
Diode Characteristics
Where and n is typically between 1 and 2.
21Electronics Lab 20-260-465
Diode Characteristics
Is and n depend on the type of semiconductor
material. In particular, Is varies by orders of
magnitude from one type of semiconductor to
another. Because Is varies, the forward
voltage at any particular current will be quite
a function of semiconductor material. Under
strong forward bias Thus, for a small Is, V
will be larger for a given level of current I.
22Electronics Lab 20-260-465
BJT Transfer Characteristics
Ideally Where IES is an equivalent saturation
current for a BJT.
This transfer characteristic is quite similar
to that of a diode, but with two typical
1) The ideality factor or emission coefficient,
n, is almost unity for this case.
2) The range of currents over which this holds
is wider than for the case of diodes.
23Electronics Lab 20-260-465
Si Diode Reverse Current
IR for Si, even a power type rectifier, is only a
few nA.
This cant be measured by ordinary lab Digital
Multimeters, even the rather expensive ones.
However, currents in the nA range can be
measured by the novel technique of using an
oscilloscope. Although we think of a scope as
being a voltage input device, it has a finite
input resistance (1 MW) and hence, a finite input
current. Thus, for a given input current, the
resulting terminal voltage is
Expressing I in nA and V in mV, I (nA) V (mV)
For an oscilloscope with a 2 mV/div
sensitivity, this corresponds to a 2 nA/div.
Hence, in effect, the scope becomes an ammeter
with nA sensitivity!
24Diodes BJT Transfer Characteristics
- Experiment 1
- http//www.eng.uc.edu/jnevin/Elec_lab/diodes.htm