Title: Welcome to the Department of Journalism
1Welcome to the Department of Journalism Mass
South Dakota State University
2Join us in our newly renovated building, Yeager
3We have moved into new labs, offices and
4The Lakota-Dakota conference room is a stunning
introduction to our department.
5The new library provides space for reading and
6Our photo lab is completely digital.
7The negative developing area is new with a
spacious area to work.
8The multi-task studio houses photo and broadcast
9With over 200 Internet connections, every lab is
10The Joe Floyd new media lab features the latest
in video and design software.
11Faculty and students collaborate on projects in
our small conference room.
12The 2.4 million renovation features
- Five new audio and video editing suites.
- Fifty new Macintosh G4s and imacs.
- Four state-of-the-art labs with over 200 Internet
connections and the latest software. - Smart classrooms and new conference rooms.
- Areas designed for students, including the
library and student lounge area.