Title: Fresco Pigment Powders For Sale | Rublev Colours Pigments
1Fresco Pigment Powders For Sale Rublev Colours
- Natural Pigments offers Fresco pigment powders
for sale online at the affordable prices. We make
our pigments, on the other hand, to
specifications that maintain their best qualities
and allow artists to refine them for their own
2Azurite 10g
Pigment Powders
Azurite 50g
- Our azurite is natural carbonate of copper from
ore deposits in Dzhezkgazgan, Kazakhstan. It has
a bright blue masstone and a greenish undertone
with a fine grind of less than 20 µ particles.
Our azurite is natural carbonate of copper from
ore deposits in Dzhezkgazgan, Kazakhstan. It has
a bright blue masstone and a greenish undertone
with a fine grind of less than 20 µ
3Blue Bice 10g
Smalt 50g
- Blue bice is the name given to a pale blue
artificial basic copper carbonate with
approximately the same chemical composition as
azurite. Our blue bice is made according to an
English recipe of the 18th century.
Smalt is a fine to coarsely ground potassium
glass of blue color. The blue is due to small
amounts of cobalt added as cobalt oxide during
4Egyptian Blue 10g
Egyptian Blue 100g
- Egyptian blue is a copper calcium silicate that
was the first synthetic pigment and the most
extensively used from the early dynasties in
Egypt until the end of the Roman period in
Egyptian blue is a copper calcium silicate that
was the first synthetic pigment and the most
extensively used from the early dynasties in
Egypt until the end of the Roman period in
5Maya Blue 4 oz vol
Prussian Blue 1kg
- Maya Blue, developed by the Maya who ruled
Mesoamerica from about 290 to 900 C.E., is a
remarkable pigment based on a blue dye
precipitated onto clay.
Prussian blue, discovered in 1704 or 1705, is
generally regarded as the first of the modern
colors. In truth it is something of an anomaly,
appearing well before the blossoming of chemistry
as a science in the late 18th century.
6Address - 291 Shell Lane, Willits CA 95490 Phone
- (888) 361-5900 1 (707) 459-9998 https//www
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