- Wireless authentication options
- Review of FY 09 initiatives
- CSF monies needed
- FY 09 proposed rates
3Wireless Authentication Reasons for change
- The need for a single, secure, seamless,
cost-effective wireless connectivity for Penn
community by June 2009. - Current model with Bluesockets have several
problems - Poor performance due to overloaded units
- Encryption capabilities would degrade performance
even further - End of life on the devices with no replacement
costs built into the CSF - Extra expense of not only replacing the existing
units but doubling the infrastructure to handle
higher loads and the growing wireless user base
4New Wireless Authentication Goals
- Ensure all PennNet wireless users use 802.1x as
primary authentication - Enable users to connect in preferred
authentication method (802.1x) from all wireless
locations - Must be a flexible
- Cost effective
- Robust and scalable
- Allow download of 802.1x supplicant
- Easy access for guest users while still
maintaining security - Secured By PennNet Gateway infrastructure
5Wireless Authentication Model 1(Bluesocket
Upgrade Enhancement)
- Design Features
- Support 2 SSID (or wireless networks on same
APs) - AirPennNet (802.1X authN) preferred
- Wireless-PennNet (secondary)
- Wireless-PennNet (web authN)
- Web redirect page (users login with PennKey and
password) - Roaming to other buildings or wLANs will require
new login - Permits guest access (assuming valid PennKey and
Password) - Hardware Required
- Two Bluesocket gateways in each NAP
- Each wLAN requires dedicated fiber circuit back
to central fiber switch.
6Wireless Authentication Model 2(Wireless-Penn-Gue
st Web Based Net Reg Model)
- Design Features
- Support 2 SSID or wireless networks on same AP
- AirPennNet (802.1X authN) preferred
- Wireless-Penn-Guest (secondary)
- Must retire existing Bluesocket infrastructure by
June 30, 2008 to prevent incurring upgrade costs. - New Wireless-Penn-Guest uses NetReg
- Redirected web page that enables choice to
download the supplicant and configuration to use
AirPennNet. - Will also have a registration at the bottom for
guests and clients that cannot do 802.1x. - This network will have limited bandwidth.
- Week long IP registration/lease
- Roaming to other buildings or wLANs require new
registration - ResNet buildings will remain 802.1x only (except
for Destination Penn in Summer) - New Hardware Required
- NetReg servers-will be designed as highly
7Wireless Authentication Model 2(Wireless-Penn-Gue
st Web Based Net Reg Model)
- Main concerns discussed at 11/5 meeting
- Lack of data encryption for subset of guests not
using 802.1x. - Access for Penn staff members with non-802.1x
devices - Guest access with credentials other than PennKey
- Ensure use of AirPennNet for compliant devices
8Wireless Authentication Model 2(Wireless-Penn-Gue
st Web Based Net Reg Model)
- Data Encryption
- NetReg server will have an SSL certification
ensuring the registration information is
encrypted - Wireless-Penn-Guest will not natively support
encryption of data stream. - Users with applications capable of offering
encryption will have security of the data stream. - Webmail
- Secure CRT
- Registration web page will issue statement
warning that the network is unencrypted.
9Wireless Authentication Model 2(Wireless-Penn-Gue
st Web Based Net Reg Model)
- Access for Penn staff members with non-802.1x
devices (hand held device friendly) - No port limits
- Allow protocol access to all services
- Allows for easier administration (no constant
updates of the Access Control Lists) - Bandwidth rate limits
- (1Mb to 2 Mb) shared on each Access Point.
- Limits will enable handheld devices to access
with no impact to performance - Performance on laptop devices will be noticeable
(incentive to use AirPennNet)
10Wireless Authentication Model 2(Wireless-Penn-Gue
st Web Based Net Reg Model)
- Guest access with credentials other than PennKey
- Can Penn staff assign the credential's on the
fly? - In process of investigating details of proxy
registration for guests, - To be handled in later phase using levels of
assurance concepts being developed for PennKey - Ensure use of AirPennNet for compliant devices
- Goal of convenient access cannot incent the wrong
behavior - Wireless networks will be first to use PennNet
Gateway - Wireless-Penn-Guest will have different access
policy - Handheld devices should operate fine and are
exempt from PennNet Gateway scans - Laptop device bandwidth tolerable for guests
(like home wireless access) - In comparison to AirPennNet, Wireless-Penn-Guest
performance will be significantly poorer
encouraging those with compliant devices to use
11Wireless - Cost Summary
12Wireless Model Comparison
13Review of NPTF Topics
- Initiatives with no incremental cost in FY09
- Initiatives with potential FY 09 CSF costs
Initiatives with potential costs in FY10 and
- Next Generation PennNet
- Dual gig to subnets
- IM service
- No incremental cost increase with email or
PennNet Phone. - Security
- System Administrator Awareness
- LSP, Staff and Faculty training
- Central Authorization availability
- Shibboleth availability for federated identity
- PennNet Gateway (10,000 users)
- Planning for database encryption and logging
- Developing intrusion detection strategy/approach/p
- Wireless authentication
- 20k
- 802.1x
- NetReg for guests
- 180k
- Bluesocket
- 802.1x
- Local intrusion detection pilots (25k)
- The NPTF decided not to add UPSs for closet or
building entrance electronics. - 540k for closets
- 90k for building entrance
- Mobile device encryption
- Next Gen. PennKey
- 2 factor authentication
- PennKey logging
- Server Host Intrusion Prevention
- Evaluation of
- Fraud detection
- Application security testing tools
- Always-on Critical Host Scanning
- Database encryption and logging
- Communications Names support
14Central Service Fee Funding
- The FY 08 funds required to do the CSF bundle of
services was 5,183,817. - In FY 08 ISC implemented a new funding model for
the central service fee. - Under the new service charge methodology, charges
will be based on two measures and phased in over
a three year period. - In FY09 53.4 of the required funding will come
from weighted headcount and 46.6 from IP
addresses. - In FY 10 80 of charges will be based on
weighted headcount and 20 based on number of IP
addresses. - By early December, ISC will calculate the CSF
headcount and IP rates.
15Central Service Fee Funding
- The FY 09 funds required to do the CSF bundle of
services with no additional services is
5,031,406. - The decrease in funds necessary for FY 09 is
attributed to - Operational efficiencies (Internet, I2)
- The projected increase in 100 and 1000 Mbps ports
- 100/1000 ports are levied a surcharge that
provides revenue to support the likely increased
campus backbone activity. - Anticipated modest increase in UPHS revenue
- Additional services for consideration
- Wireless authentication - 20k or 180k
- Local intrusion detection pilots - 25k
- Assuming you decide to fund wireless at 20k and
local ID pilots, the funds required for the CSF
would be 5,076,406 in FY09. - 107k less than FY 08 or a 2 decrease
16FY09 Proposed Rates
17PennNet Phone FY 09 Rates
- Assumptions
- Meridian Business Set one-time cost of 368 is
depreciated over a 60-month period for this
comparison - 30 allocation is included
- Waived until end of FY 09
- Two new sets offered later this fiscal year at 4
or 8/month
18Next Steps
- NPTF makes rate recommendations.
- ISC calculates CSF headcount and IP rates.
- Rate recommendations presented to Provost and
EVP. - Final FY 09 rates established.
- Rates sent to ABA in December.
- Rates published in Almanac on December 11th.
19NPTF Meetings FY 09
- February 18-Operational review
- April 21- Planning discussions
- June 2- Security strategy session
- July 21-Strategy discussions
- August 4- Strategy discussions
- September 15- Preliminary rates
- October 6- Strategy discussion
- November 3- FY10 Rate setting