Title: 3_is
1open tools for sharing knowledge
Coimbra Group eLearning Workshop Quality in
eLearning Open source/open standards March
14-15, 2005. School of Education, University of
Maurizio CaporaliUniversity of Siena e
caporali_at_unisi.it w www.saul.unisi.it/3_is/
23_is open tools for sharing knowledge
- 3_is is a project on learning and teaching
devoted to design educational artefacts for
supporting e-lectures. - 3_is enables manipulation and sharing of data
provided during the lectures.
3 3_is key concepts
- gt Dialogical Knowledge Construction (DKC)
- The DKC supports teacher/student, student/teacher
and student/student interaction facilitating - processes of exemplifying concepts
- negotiating meaning
- sharing content
- gt Situated Editing (SE) of contents
- The SE enables real time manipulation of
educational assets. - Students and teacher can re-organize and produce
contents in order to create their own version of
the lecture.
4 DKC and SE design concepts
- The DKC aims to provide equal dignity to
teacher-student relationship as well as to peer
to peer relationship. - The SE to an environment (physical and
conceptual) where the production of educational
assets can be co-produced by teachers and
5 3_is objective
- 3_is aims to design artefacts for enabling the
construction of dialogical knowledge and the
capture, organization and manipulation of
contents provided in the lecture in real time.
6 The concepts
- Regarding the SE each lecture is audio and video
recorded and matched in a timeline. - The resources provided during the lecture, as
documents, slides and web site, are automatically
captured and associated to the lecture timeline. - The resource are immediately available on a web
platform that supports each class in the sharing
and the manipulation of contents and documents.
7 3_is web platform
- 3_is Web platform (www.saul.unisi.it/3is/)
includes three main parts - gt the first module with lecture resources
developed by Moodle www.moodle.org is a Open
Source course management system (CMS). - Moodle over other systems is a strong grounding
in social constructionist pedagogy. - gt The second module dedicated to visualize the
data captured and manipulated during the lecture,
- gt the third module allows the dialogical
interaction through dedicated tools such as
forum, assignment and quiz.
8 3_is light software
- During the lectures 3_is light application
generates automatically in background Learning
Object (LO). - 3_is LO is made by the resources presented during
the lesson by the teacher such as the Power Point
slide, Web site, text document, pictures and
audio or video of the lecture. - At the end of the lecture the LO package can be
upload in to the on line Course Management System.
9SCORM Open Standard for Learning Objects
- The Content Structure and Content Aggregation are
dynamically structured during the lecture
10 3_is light software
- The software creates dynamically a folder with
the resources presented by the teacher and the
imsmanifest XML file with the description of the
resources and the meta-data.
lt!-- begin sco list --gt ltresource
identifier"SCO1" adlcpscormtype"sco"
type"webcontent" href"assets/audio_2005030216104
8.mp3"gt ltfile href"assets/audio_20050302161048.
mp3" /gt lt/resourcegt ltresource identifier"SCO2"
adlcpscormtype"sco" type"webcontent"
href"assets/this_is_my_presentation.ppt"gt ltfile
/gt ltdependency identifierref"Slide_1"
/gt ltdependency identifierref"Slide_2"
/gt ltdependency identifierref"Slide_3"
/gt lt/resourcegt lt!-- begin this_is_my_presentation
.ppt slides --gt ltresource
identifier"Slide_1" type"webcontent"
adlcpscormtype"asset" href"assets/Slide_1_20050
302161220.jpg"gt ltmetadatagt lt! Slide_1
meta-data--gt .. lt! Internet resources
--gt ltresource identifierwww_google_com"
adlcpscormtype"sco" type"webcontent"
href"http//www.google.com/"gt ltfile
href"http// www.google.com/" time"2005030216161
6" /gt lt/resourcegt ltresource identifierwww_unis
i_it" adlcpscormtype"sco" type"webcontent"
href"http//www. unisi.it/"gt ltfile
href"http//www.unisi.it/" time"20050302161653"
/gt lt/resourcegt lt!-- end Internet resources --gt
11 3_is light software
- The Open Standard describes the resources traced
during the lecture. - The Open standard allows
- to load and exchange the LO with different
Learning Management System (LMS) - to create specific parsing objects.
12 3_is web-based interface
- The LMS moodle with the SCORM module can generate
automatically the list of the resource. - Creating a different parsing of the asset XML
file we can develop more complex web-based
interfaces. - For example the 3_is moodle module.
SCORM mambo module interface
3_is Interactive audio/video and resources
13 3_is light Conclusion
- Actually 3_is light is developed only for Mac OSX
in Alpha 0.2 release. - 3_is light is developed in Apple Script and the
software is Open Source with GPL. - Download the software www.saul.unisi.it/3is/
- gt To develop a beta version at the end of this
lecture quarter mid April. - gt To create an Open Source development group that
will be composed by software engineers and HCI
(human computer interaction) experts. - gt Our idea is to contribute to the Open source
international community also introducing
interaction design perspective that could support
the development of the Open source project aiming
to create a design methodology. - Future development will be focused on
- the visualization of the resources in Web site
and Interactive TV. - the development of student tool in order to
monitor her/his activity and to edit the content
provided during the lecture.