Title: SaintGobain Ceramics LOMASS Kiln Furniture Systems
1Saint-Gobain CeramicsLO-MASS Kiln Furniture
- Omni William Penn
- Wednesday, May 23, 2007
2- Review Benefits and Evolution of LO-MASS Kiln
Furniture Systems - Discuss Material Developments
- Discuss Engineering Expertise Options
3In the Beginning the Prior State of Art
- Before LO-MASS Kiln Systems
4Current State of Art in Sanitaryware
5Benefits of LO-MASS
- Weight Savings of 70
- Cycle Times Reduced From 20 Hours to Less Than 10
Hours - BTUs Per Pound of Ware Reduced From 5,000 to
2,500 - Fuel Savings of 50
- Delta T of Ware Reduced
6Evolution of LO-MASS
- Custom Assemblies More Complex Shapes
- Drop-In Lavy Cars
- Simple Lug-posts
7Evolution of LO-MASS
- Shuttle Kiln Cars
- Introduced Inter-locking Multi-Deck Designs
- Maximizing Loads
- Mimimizing Furniture Thermal Mass
8Evolution of LO-MASS
- Dinnerware
- Introduced Precision Defined Loading
- For Automated Systems
9Evolution of LO-MASS
- Residential Brick
- New Concept of Open Gas Firing
- Faster Cycles
10LO-MASS Design Concepts
Evolution of Thought
Lug-Post Systems
11LO-MASS Design Concepts
- Stackable Pallets
- Less Loading
- Increased Safety Efficiency
12Material Developments
Information Needed to Compare Oxidation
Resistance, Strength, Maximum Temperature,
Thermal Shock Resistance
13Saint-Gobain Design Expertise
- Basic Design Verifications
- Shape Optimization Calculations (load
calculations) - Environment Dependent Material Selection
- Advanced Design Verifications Via KilnWorks SM
- KilnWorksSM is a Process We Use to Analyze and
Predict Product Behavior in a Variety of
Environments. We use a professional version of
ANSYS to quantify our results - Simulation of Current and Probable Environments
(structural, thermal, both) - Optimize Design/Material Compatibility
- Thermal Shock
- Designing to Prevent
- Analyzing to Validate/Recommend/Solve
- When Applicable, Simulated Product Behavior
Verified With the Measured Product Behavior
(thermocouple data) - Single/Multi Component Thermal and Structural
Analysis - Geometry Adjustments
- Alternative Material
- Cycle Adjustments
- Assembly Adjustments
- FEA validation
- RD Developed and Experimentally Validated
Process - Northboro RD
14Thermal Model Results
Thermal Imaging Data
250x250 w/150 mm load after 60 seconds cooling
Tmin 627?C
Tmin 641?C
Tmax 879?C
The ANSYS Thermal Model is a Good Simulation of
the Actual Temperature Profile of the Part During
Cross-section view
Check Address Compare Prevent
Realize Critical Failure Components Prevent
Possible Product Failures
Existing Design
Address Recommend Compare
Validate Compare Recommend
Change in Environment