Title: Global Tropospheric Winds Sounder GTWS Reference Designs
1Global Tropospheric Winds Sounder(GTWS)Reference
- Ken Miller, Mitretek Systems
- January 24, 2002
- GTWS Mission Objective
- Purpose
- Draft Wind Data Product Requirements
- Rapid Design
- Reference Instruments
- Reference Missions
- Direct Mission
- Conclusions
- Acknowledgments
- Mission Objective is to acquire global wind
velocity profiles per NASA/NOAA requirements - Purpose of Briefing is to discuss Government
Reference Designs for - Direct and Coherent Instruments
- Direct Mission
- Coherent Mission design scheduled Feb 2002
4Purpose of Reference Designs
- To establish instrument and mission architectures
for reference purposes - Identify tall poles (technology readiness and
risk) - Provide information to support a basis for
government cost estimate - Provide sanity check information for assessing
future concepts - It is not assumed that future implementations
will physically match study results
5Draft Wind Data ProductRequirements
- Threshold and Desired requirements prepared by
the GTWS Science Definition Team (SDT) - Reconciled between NASA and NOAA users
- Threshold requirements were minimum for useful
impact on models - Posted for comment Oct 16, 2001
- http//nais.msfc.nasa.gov/cgi-bin/EPS/sol.cgi?acqi
d99220Draft Document - See Yoe/Atlas presentation
6Rapid Design Environmentsat NASA GSFC
- Instrument Synthesis and Analysis Laboratory
- Rapid instrument design and concepts for remote
sensing - 2 week GTWS studies
- Integrated Mission Development Center
- Rapid mission engineering analyses and services
- Concepts, trades, technology and risk assessment
- 1 week GTWS studies
7Rapid Design Areas
8Reference Instruments
- Direct and Coherent lidars
- Meet threshold data requirements, including
- 0 to 20 km altitude
- Target Sample Volume (TSV)
- Maximum volume for averaging laser shots
- 2 perspectives per TSV
- Reference atmosphere including cloud coverage and
shear - 2 year mission life
- Exceptions
- Single laser designs may not meet lifetime
requirement - Single satellite did not meet temporal resolution
9Reference Instruments (contd)
- Do not provide
- Implementation recommendations or preferences
- Exhaustive technology trades
- Basis to compare direct and coherent approaches
- General limitations
- Based on first-cut point designs, not optimized
- Numerous assumptions need verification
- Low TRL components
- May not meet all requirements
- Requirements refined during design period
- Some details are competition sensitive
10Reference Instruments-Design
- GTWS Team guidance on point designs
- Direct Bruce Gentry (NASA GSFC), Sept 2001
- Coherent Michael Kavaya (NASA LaRC), Dec 2001
- Parameters
- 400 km circular orbit, 97o inclination, sun
synchronous, dawn/dusk - 100 duty cycle
- Nadir angle 45 o
- Scan discrete azimuth angles
- Point ( 1 s) and Stare ( 5 s)
- 4 cross-track soundings, 4 positions fore, 4 aft
11Measurement Concept
7.7 km/s
- Vertical resolution range gates
- 45 o nadir angle
- Scan through 8 azimuth angles
- Fore and aft perspectives in TSV
- Move scan position 1 sec
- No. shots averaged 5 sec prf
Aft perspective
585 km
400 km
Horizontal TSV
414 km
7.2 km/s
290 km
290 km
12Reference Instruments -Concepts
Solar Array (Radiator not shown)
Belt Drive
Telescope with Sunshade
Rotating Deck
Component Boxes
Radiator (Solar Array not shown)
Component Housing
13Direct MissionHighlights
- Direct - October 2001
- Coherent - February 2002
- Large, heavy spacecraft with high power
requirements - 400 km orbit is challenging
- Altitude tradeoff between lidar SNR and orbit
maintenance - Solar array radiator in orbital plane to reduce
drag - Battery power during eclipse (max 25 min/day)
- Delta 2920-10L, long fairing option
- Current technology spacecraft
- Conventional hydrazine propulsion
14Direct MissionHighlights (concluded)
- TDRSS Demand Access Downlink
- Controlled disposal at end-of-life
- COTS-based Mission Operations Center, 8x5
operations - Data System
- Internal computer
- 70 Gbits storage for 3 days
15Direct MissionLaunch Configuration
16Direct Mission - Deployed Configuration Concept
SC Bus
Instrument Radiator
TDRS Antenna
Belt Drive Rotating Mechanism
Solar Array
17Direct MissionTechnology Readiness Level (TRL)
- Low instrument TRL development, test, and
demonstration are needed - Spacecraft Overall TRL 6
- Definitions
- TRL 6 System/subsystem model or prototype
demonstration in a relevant environment (ground
or space) - TRL 7 System prototype demonstration in a space
environment - TRL 8 Actual system completed and "flight
qualified" through flight test demonstration
(ground or space)
- Mass, size, and power are very large
- Need to increase instrument TRL
- Assumed lasers are well beyond current on-orbit
laser power, efficiency, and lifetime - Desirable laser improvements
- Increase optical output to reduce telescope size
and mass - Increase efficiency to reduce power and heat
- Increase life expectancy
- Increase DWL experience across range of
atmospheric conditions - Reduce risk
- Scanner
- Momentum compensation
- Lag angle compensation
- Other areas
19Conclusions (contd)
- Still a lot to learn and assess - including
- Fundamental differences between data products
from direct and coherent lidars - Global cloud and aerosol distributions
- Data product impacts from
- Clouds
- Aerosol distribution
- Wind shear
- Solar backscatter
- Spacecraft pointing and jitter
NASA Farzin Amzajerdian, Coherent Lidar Engineer,
f.amzeajerdian_at_larc.nasa.gov Robert Atlas,
Science Definition Team Lead, robert.m.atlas.1_at_gsf
c.nasa.gov James Barnes, GTWS Program Executive,
j.c.barnes_at_larc.nasa.gov Jennifer Bracken, ISAL
Team Lead, jennifer.bracken_at_gsfc.nasa.gov Dave
Emmitt, Senior Scientist, gde_at_swa.com Bruce
Gentry, Direct Lidar Principal Investigator,
bruce.m.gentry.1_at_gsfc.nasa.gov Gabe Karpati, IMDC
Systems Engineer, gkarpati_at_pop700.gsfc.nasa.gov
Michael Kavaya, Coherent Lidar Principal
Investigator, m.j.kavaya_at_larc.nasa.gov John
Martin, IMDC Team Lead, jmartin_at_pop400.gsfc.nasa.g
ov Ken Miller, Systems Engineer,
kenm_at_mitretek.org Mike Roberto, ISAL Systems
Engineer, mroberto_at_pop700.gsfc.nasa.gov GTWS
Team IMDC Teams ISAL Team NOAA John Pereira,
Program Manager, john.pereira_at_noaa.gov James Yoe,
Science Definition Team Lead, james.g.yoe_at_noaa.gov