Title: asmitabedi94 (2)
1 Best Budget Monitors 2020
By Grayspark Audio Academy
graysparkaudioacademy_at_gmail.com Phone (91)
2- Every engineer at some point in time is faced
with this question of, whether I should buy
monitors or if I should work on headphones? Which
headphones or monitors should I buy? - Lets go over them in detail and hopefully, this
should make it easier for you to make a decision.
3KH120 A
Superb low end response and clarity, great build
quality, Room correction EQ, lowest self noise,
lowest THD and really loud for their size.
4Yamaha HS5
- These speakers will probably be the cheapest of
the list. Lacks midrange and low-frequency
definition compared to the KH120s, sound slightly
brittle. - But all in all great for someone starting out
who wants to use them for critical listening,
editing or production work.
5Dynaudio LYD5
- These are a great set of monitors. Bright, crisp
top end with enough detail in the low-end
spectrum. Easy on the ears and have a great
frequency response.
6KRK Rokit 5
- These speakers are known for their extended
low-frequency response, more like an exaggerated
bass response. They are ideal for producing,
writing and editorial work but I wouldnt use
them for anything else.
7Kali Audio LP6
- Much lower THD compared to other speakers and a
flatter frequency response. These speakers have
been getting quite a lot of traction lately so I
thought Id add them to the mix.
8- Thank You.
- Source https//academy.gray-spark.com/budget-moni