Title: Kuwait startups
1Provides an online platform for business buyers
and sellers. Gives access to dynamic investment
opportunities and business for sale. Work with
Top Financial and business investments experts to
help your business grow and support throughout
the journey of your business firm.
2Find Business for sale in Kuwait. Premium
Platform to buy, sell, fund and grow businesses
in Kuwait Get the best business deals, investment
opportunities to reach the business goals.
3Startups in Kuwait
Great idea needs professional support to make a
remarkable place in startup business. Our best
investment and financial partners are there to
help you during the journey to achieve your
startup goals.
4Top investors and financial experts are providing
great platforms to the startups to make their
place in the business and support throughout the
journey of their dream businesses.
5Contact Us
Address Kuwait City, Kuwait Mubarak Al Kabeer
St. Email info_at_bexit.co Phone (965)
66774530 Website https//bexit.co/en/ Social
Media https//www.instagram.com/bexit.co/ https
//www.facebook.com/bexitco https//www.youtube.co
ber https//www.linkedin.com/company/bexit-co/?vie