Title: TCSS 360, Spring 2005 Lecture Notes
1TCSS 360, Spring 2005Lecture Notes
- Design Patterns
- Factory, Command
- What are design patterns? Why should we study
them? - List of all design pattern names and categories
- Factory pattern
- Command pattern
3Design challenges
- Designing software for reuse is hard one must
find - a good problem decomposition, and the right
software abstractions - a design with flexibility, modularity and
elegance - designs often emerge from an iterative process
(trials and many errors) - successful designs do exist
- two designs they are almost never identical
- they exhibit some recurring characteristics
- The engineering perspective can designs be
described, codified or standardized? - this would short circuit the trial and error
phase - produce "better" software faster
4Design patterns
- history
- the concept of a "pattern" was first expressed in
Christopher Alexander's work A Pattern Language
in 1977 (2543 patterns) - in 1990 a group called the Gang of Four or "GoF"
(Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides) compile a
catalog of design patterns - design pattern a solution to a common software
problem in a context - example Iterator patternThe Iterator pattern
defines an interface that declares methods for
sequentially accessing the objects in a
5More about patterns
- A pattern describes a recurring software
structure - is abstract from concrete design elements such as
problem domain, programming language - identifies classes that play a role in the
solution to a problem, describes their
collaborations and responsibilities - lists implementation trade-offs
- patterns are not code or designs must be
instantiated/applied - the software engineer is required to
- evaluate trade-offs and impact of using a pattern
in the system at hand - make design and implementation decision how best
to apply the pattern, perhaps modify it slightly - implement the pattern in code and combine it with
other patterns
6Benefits of using patterns
- patterns are a common design vocabulary
- allows engineers to abstract a problem and talk
about that abstraction in isolation from its
implementation - embodies a culture domain specific patterns
increase design speed - patterns capture design expertise and allow that
expertise to be communicated - promotes design reuse and avoid mistakes
- improve documentation (less is needed) and
understandability (patterns are described well
7Gang of Four (GoF) patterns
- Creational Patterns(concerned with abstracting
the object-instantiation process) - Factory Method Abstract Factory Singleton
- Builder Prototype
- Structural Patterns(concerned with how
objects/classes can be combined to form larger
structures) - Adapter Bridge Composite
- Decorator Facade Flyweight
- Proxy
- Behavioral Patterns(concerned with communication
between objects) - Command Interpreter Iterator
- Mediator Observer State
- Strategy Chain of Responsibility Visitor
- Template Method
8Pattern Factory(a variation of Factory Method,
Abstract Factory)
- a class used to create other objects
9Problem Bulky GUI code
- GUI code to construct many components quickly
becomes redundant (here, with menus) - homestarItem new JMenuItem("Homestar
Runner") - homestarItem.addActionListener(this)
- viewMenu.add(homestarItem)
- crapItem new JMenuItem("Crappy")
- crapItem.addActionListener(this)
- viewMenu.add(crapItem)
- another example (with buttons)
- button1 new JButton()
- button1.addActionListener(this)
- button1.setBorderPainted(false)
- button2 new JButton()
- button2.addActionListener(this)
- button2.setBorderPainted(false)
10Factory pattern
- Factory a class whose sole job is to easily
create and return instances of other classes - a creational pattern makes it easier to
construct complex objects - instead of calling a constructor, use a static
method in a "factory" class to set up the object - saves lines and complexity to quickly construct /
initialize objects - examples in Java borders (BorderFactory), key
strokes (KeyStroke), network connections
11Using existing factories in Java
- setting borders on buttons and panels
- use built-in BorderFactory class
- myButton.setBorder(
- BorderFactory.createRaisedBevelBorder())
- setting hot-key "accelerators" on menus
- use built-in KeyStroke class
- menuItem.setAccelerator(
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('T', - KeyEvent.ALT_MASK))
12Factory implementation details
- when implementing a factory of your own
- the factory itself should not be instantiated
- make constructor private
- factory only uses static methods to construct
components - factory should offer as simple an interface to
client code as possible - don't demand lots of arguments possibly overload
factory methods to handle special cases that need
more arguments - factories are often designed for reuse on a later
project or for general use throughout your system
13Factory sequence diagram
14Factory example
- public class ButtonFactory
- private ButtonFactory()
- public static JButton createButton( String
text, ActionListener listener, Container panel) -
- JButton button new JButton(text)
- button.setMnemonic(text.charAt(0))
- button.addActionListener(listener)
- panel.add(button)
- return button
15GoF's variations on Factory
- Factory Method pattern a factory that can be
constructed and has an overridable method to
create its objects - can be subclassed to make new kinds of factories
- Abstract Factory pattern when the topmost
factory class and its creational method are
16Pattern Command
- objects that represent actions
17Open-closed principle
- Open-Closed Principle Software entities like
classes, modules and functions should be open for
extension but closed for modifications. - The Open-Closed Principle encourages software
developers to design and write code in a fashion
that adding new functionality would involve
minimal changes to existing code. - most changes will be handled as new methods and
new classes - designs following this principle would result in
resilient code which does not break on addition
of new functionality
18Bad event-handling code
- public class TTTGui implements ActionListener
- ...
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
- if (event.getSource() view1Item)
- // switch to view 1 ...
- else // event source must be view2Item
- // switch to view 2 ...
- in this code, the "master" TTT GUI object is in
charge of all action events in the UI - is this bad?
- what could happen if we add another action event
19Common UI commands
- it is common in a GUI to have several ways to
activate the same behavior - example toolbar "Cut" button and "Edit / Cut"
menu - this is good it makes the program flexible for
the user - we'd like to make sure the code implementing
these common commands is not duplicated
20Solution Action,AbstractAction
- Java's Action interface represents a UI command
- a UI command has a text name, an icon, an action
to run - can define multiple UI widgets that share a
common underlying command by attaching the same
Action to them - These Swing components support Action
- JButton(Action a) JToggleButton(Action a)
- JCheckBox(Action a) JMenuItem(Action a)
- JRadioButton(Action a)
- AbstractAction class implements Action and
maintains an internal map of keys to values - each key represents a name of a property of the
action (e.g. "Name") - each value represents the value for that property
(e.g. "Save Game") - can be used to ensure that all UI components that
share a common UI action will have the same text,
icon, hotkey
21ActionListener and Action code
- reminder interface ActionListener
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- interface Action extends ActionListener
- adds property enabled
- isEnabled() / setEnabled(boolean)
- abstract class AbstractAction implements Action
- you must still write actionPerformed
22AbstractAction members
- public class AbstractAction implements Action
- public AbstractAction(String name)
- public AbstractAction(String name, Icon icon)
- public Object getValue(String key)
- public boolean isEnabled()
- public void putValue(String key, Object value)
- public void setEnabled(boolean enabled)
- ...
- AbstractAction object maintains an internal map
of keys to values - each key represents a name of a property of the
action (e.g. "Name") - each value represents the value for that property
(e.g. "Save Game")
23Using Action, example
- define a class that extends AbstractAction
- public class CutAction extends AbstractAction
- public CutAction()
- super("Cut", new ImageIcon("cut.gif"))
- public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
- // do the action here ...
- create an object of this class, attach it to UI
objects - CutAction cut new CutAction()
- JButton cutButton new JButton(cut)
- JMenuItem cutMItem new JMenuItem(cut)
- now the same action will occur in both places
also, changes to the action will be seen on both
widgets - cut.setEnabled(false)
24Action and Swing components
- Other uses properties of the action can be set
- cut.putValue(Action.SHORT_DESCRIPTION,
"Cuts the selected text") - will use this label for the tooltip text
- cut.putValue(Action.NAME, "Cut")
- will use the text label "Cut" for the name of the
command - cut.putValue(Action.MNEMONIC_KEY,
new Integer('T')) - will underline 't' in "Cut" as a mnemonic hotkey
for the command - cut.putValue(Action. ACCELERATOR_KEY,
KeyStroke.getKeyStroke('X', KeyEvent.CTRL_MASK))
- will use Ctrl-X as an accelerator hotkey for the
25Command pattern
- Command an object that represents an action
- sometimes called a "functor" to represent an
object whose sole goal is to encapsulate one
function - Java API examples
- ActionListener, Comparator, Runnable / Thread
26Command pattern applications
- command objects serve as a "model" of commands
- separates the user interface from them
- each model can support multiple views
- each action can support multiple widgets
- use the Command pattern when you want to
- implement a callback function capability
- have several UI widgets that cause the same
action to occur - specify, queue, and execute requests at different
times - support undo and change log operations
- Java API pages
- http//java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/swin
g/Action.html - http//java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/javax/swin
g/AbstractAction.html - Cunningham Cunningham OO Consultancy, Inc.
- http//c2.com/cgi/wiki?AbstractFactoryPattern
- http//c2.com/cgi/wiki?FactoryMethodPattern
- http//c2.com/cgi/wiki?CommandPattern
- Design Patterns Java Companion
- http//www.patterndepot.com/put/8/JavaPatterns.htm
- Design Pattern Synopses
- http//www.mindspring.com/mgrand/pattern_synopses