Title: Timber Harvesting in Coos County
1Analysis of Timber Supply and Harvesting in the
North Country
Matt Tansey Department of Resources and Economic
Development Division of Forests and Lands
2Sources of Data
- Forest Inventory Analysis (FIA)
- New data coming in summer 2008
- Report of Cut
- Geographic Data
- Needs to be developed
- Considers Northern 3 Counties a Unit
- Northern Unit acts like 3 regions
- WMNF High volume hardwood, low harvest
- South smaller lots, more white pine
- North larger lots, more hardwood, industrial
- Growing stock on Timberland in North Unit
- Avg. Ann Net Growth 75,944,000 cu ft
- Avg. Ann removals 71,607,000 cu ft
- Growth to Harvest ratio 1.11
- Stocking 21.6 Cds/ac
- Growth Rate .38 cords/acre/year
5Report of Cut
- Some of the best data around
- Accurate Enforced by law
- Many different species
- Collected at the town and parcel level
- 2006 data coming soon
6Report of Cut
7Report of Cut
8Report of Cut
- Average Harvest about 350,000 Cds
- Hardwood is 57 of Harvest
- Lowgrade wood is 71 of Harvest
9Report of Cut
Important because of its size, can be 10 to 30
of County Harvest
10Report of Cut
Somewhat the inverse of the County trend
11Report of Cut
400 increase in 2004
12Report of Cut
About a 300 increase in 1 years
13(No Transcript)
14Analyze the Landbase
- Add some flavor to the landscape
- Where is the easy wood?
- Accessibility and operability?
- Growth potential
- Social or political ownerships
1530 Meter Digital Elevation Model
16Areas of state or federal land that are not
designated for Timber Harvesting
17GRANIT 2001 Land Cover Assessment
Developed Transportation Open
water Disturbed Agriculture Krumholz Alpine N
on Forested Wetland
Then Add Soils data Wetlands Riparian buffers
18A Possible Timberbase Map
Current Timberbase map has more areas off limits
to harvesting Ie Bunnel, parts of Umbagog NWR
CT Lakes Wildlife Preserve