Title: A Deep Dive Into The Guidance Automation Toolkit
1A Deep Dive Into TheGuidance Automation Toolkit
- Jelle Druyts
- Compuware .NET Consultant
- http//jelle.druyts.net
2Have you ever needed...
- A 40-page document full of guidelines
- Architectural layers, solution/project structure
- Namespaces, class names, method names, ...
- Best practices, step-by-step instructions
- Visual Studio customizations
- Custom actions, menu items, toolbar buttons, ...
- Custom Add New items (classes, projects,
solutions) - Advanced automation
- Wizards
- Code generation
- Quick-start solutions for development teams
- Custom Software Factory development
- More time to write interesting code?
- You will learn
- What GAT is, what it can and cannot do
- Best practices for GAT development
- How GAT fits into the Software Factories vision
- You will be able to
- Recognize opportunities for GAT
- Implement solutions with GAT
- Sit back while it does your work
- Visual Studio Extensibility
- Guidance Automation Toolkit
- GAT Best Practices
- GAT Software Factories
5Visual Studio Extensibility
- A look at the available extensibility features in
Visual Studio
6Visual Studio Templates
- Project Item templates
- Reusable and customizable project and item stubs
- New Project and Add New Item dialog boxes
- Accelerate the development process
- Easy deployment just a .zip file
- Content files source code files, embedded
resources, project files, ... - Metadata stored in a .vstemplate file (XML)
- Copy to a predefined folder (local or on the
network) - Capabilities are limited (templates are dumb)
7Visual Studio SDK
- Visual Studio has an object model
- Call the Visual Studio APIs directly
- Use EnvDTE.dll and EnvDTE80.dll
- Powerful
- Entire Visual Studio object model is exposed
- Difficult
- Registering custom packages in Visual Studio
- COM interop with EnvDTE object model
8Guidance Automation Toolkit
- Guidance Automation
- Make reusable code and pattern assets available
in Visual Studio - Integrate reusable code into applications
- Guide developers through complex procedures
- Built upon Visual Studio SDK
- Roadmap
- Latest release February 2007 CTP
- Will be included in a future release of the
Visual Studio - Built and used by Microsoft patterns practices
- Used extensively in their various Software
Factories - Free download (source code not available)
9Guidance Automation Toolkit
- A deep dive into the various elements of GAT
11Guidance Life Cycle
12Guidance Automation Packages
- A Guidance Package is
- Authored for a specific purpose
- A unit of deployment and versioning
- A Guidance Package consists of
- Visual Studio Templates
- Guidance Automation Recipes
- The Guidance Package meta package
- A quick-start solution for Guidance Packages
- Generates project structure sample code
- Generates setup project to build MSI
13A First Look At The Enterprise Library Guidance
14Visual Studio Templates
- Provide integration with Visual Studio
- Create New Project/Item dialog box
- Defined in .vstemplate files (XML)
- Expanded by the Visual Studio template engine
- Associate Visual Studio Templates with recipes
15Visual Studio Templates
ltVSTemplate Version"2.0" Type"ProjectGroup"
mplate/2005"gt ltTemplateDatagt
ltNamegtApplication Blocklt/Namegt
ltDescriptiongtGuidance Package that creates a new
Application Block.lt/Descriptiongt
lt/TemplateDatagt ltTemplateContentgt
ltProjectCollectiongt ltProjectTemplateLink
ionBlockName"gt Projects\Runtime\Runtime.v
lt/ProjectCollectiongt lt/TemplateContentgt
ltWizardExtensiongt ltAssemblygtMicrosoft.Practice
Version1.0.51206.0, Cultureneutral,
lt/FullClassNamegt lt/WizardExtensiongt
ltWizardDatagt ltTemplate xmlns"http//schemas.m
icrosoft.com/pag/gax-template" SchemaVersion"1.0"
lt/Templategt lt/WizardDatagt lt/VSTemplategt
16Visual Studio Templates
17Guidance Automation Recipes
- A recipe is a fancy word for a wizard
- Automated activity as a series of instructions
- Abstracts something a developer would need to do
manually - E.g. create projects, add references, ...
- Ensures that repetitive (error-prone) activities
are performed in a consistent manner - Simplifies complex or repetitive development
tasks - Defined in an XML file in the root of the project
- Referenced by a Visual Studio Template
- Recipe gets run when template is unfolded
18Guidance Automation Recipes
ltGuidancePackage xmlns"http//schemas.microsoft.c
om/pag/gax-core" Name"JelleDruyts.EnterpriseL
ibraryGuidance" Caption"Enterprise Library
Guidance" Description"Provides guidance
around the creation of Application Blocks"
SchemaVersion"1.0"gt ltRecipesgt ltRecipe
ltCaptiongtCreate a new Enterprise Library
Application Blocklt/Captiongt ltArgumentsgt
ltArgument Name"ApplicationBlockName"
Required"true"gt ltConverter
Converters. CodeIdentifierStringConver
ter, Microsoft.Practices.RecipeFramework.Library"
/gt lt/Argumentgt ltArgument
Required"true"gt ltConverter
Converters. NamespaceStringConverter,
Microsoft.Practices.RecipeFramework.Library" /gt
lt/Argumentgt lt/Argumentsgt
ltGatheringServiceDatagt ltWizard
s" SchemaVersion"1.0"gt ltPagesgt
ltPagegt ltTitlegtApplication Block
Informationlt/Titlegt ltFieldsgt
ltField ValueName"ApplicationBlockName"
Label"Application Block Name"
InvalidValueMessage"Must be a valid .NET
identifier." /gt ltField
InvalidValueMessage"Must be a valid .NET
namespace identifier." /gt
lt/Fieldsgt lt/Pagegt lt/Pagesgt
lt/Wizardgt lt/GatheringServiceDatagt
lt/Recipegt lt/Recipesgt lt/GuidancePackagegt
- Value gathering strategies
- Gather values for recipe arguments
- Walk the developer through one or more steps
- Any recipe can have a wizard associated with it
20Value Providers
- Provide values for recipe arguments
- Optionally dependant of other recipe arguments
- Define project names, post-build commands, ...
- Retrieve currently selected project, file, ...
- Special guest ExpressionEvaluatorValueProvider
- Regular .NET classes (pre-built custom)
ltArgument Name"RuntimeProjectName"gt
ltValueProvider Type"Evaluator"
tionBlockName)"gt ltMonitorArgument
Name"ApplicationBlockNamespace" /gt
ltMonitorArgument Name"ApplicationBlockName" /gt
lt/ValueProvidergt lt/Argumentgt
21Type Converters
- Validate the value of a field
- CodeIdentifierStringConverter
- NamespaceStringConverter
- ...
- Convert UI fields to a type representation
- Regular .NET classes (pre-built custom)
ltArgument Name"ApplicationBlockName"
Required"true"gt ltConverter Type"Microsoft.Prac
/gt lt/Argumentgt
- Atomic units of work called in a defined sequence
by recipes - E.g. add project references, generate classes,
add project items, ... - Strongly-typed input and output arguments
- Come from the recipe or from another action
(chaining) - Typically use EnvDTE
- Regular .NET classes (pre-built custom)
ltActionsgt ltAction Name"GetRuntimeProject"
tAction"gt ltInput Name"ProjectName"
RecipeArgument"RuntimeProjectName" /gt
ltOutput Name"Project" /gt lt/Actiongt ltAction
Name"GetDesignTimeProject" Type"...RecipeFramewo
rk.Library.Actions.GetProjectAction"gt ltInput
Name"ProjectName" RecipeArgument"DesignTimeProje
ctName" /gt ltOutput Name"Project" /gt
lt/Actiongt ltAction Name"AddProjectReference"
nceAction"gt ltInput Name"ReferringProject"
ActionOutput"GetDesignTimeProject.Project" /gt
ltInput Name"ReferencedProject"
ActionOutput"GetRuntimeProject.Project" /gt
lt/Actiongt lt/Actionsgt
23Looking Into The Enterprise Library Guidance
24Code Generation
- T4 templates (Text Templates Transformation
Toolkit) - Combination of text and scriptlets (C/VB.NET
expressions) - E.g. generate data access component from
database, ... - ASP.NET-like syntax with full capabilities of .NET
lt_at_ template language"C" gt lt_at_ assembly
name"System.dll" gt lt_at_ property
processor"PropertyProcessor" name"TargetNamespac
e" gt lt_at_ property processor"PropertyProcessor"
name"NodeName" gt using System using
guration using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibr
ary.Configuration.Design namespace lt
this.TargetNamespace gt internal sealed
class lt this.NodeName gt ConfigurationNode
25Continuous Guidance
- Recipes stay alive
- Recipes associated with project items
- E.g. right-click data access project, choose Add
Data Access Component - Adding more templates
- New projects, e.g. data access project
- New project items, e.g. data access component
- Uses same mechanisms (wizards, actions, ...)
26Guidance Navigator
- Separate window listing
- Overview information
- All the available recipes
- History of executed recipes
- Links to online help, documentation, ...
27Other GAT Artifacts
- Custom Wizard Pages
- Add custom user controls to the wizard
- Type Editors
- Edit values in a wizard through a custom UI
- Snippets
- Visual Studio snippets that are automatically
28Code Generation in the Enterprise Library
Guidance Package
29GAT Best Practices
- A look at some development best practices around
30When (Not) To Use GAT
- Use GAT when
- You have a specific problem with a specific
solution that - Is automatable
- Must be executed multiple times
- Has a development time or risk that is too high
to do manually - You cant use dumb Visual Studio Templates
- You want to prepare for building a Software
Factory - Do not use GAT when
- You will use the Guidance Package only once
ever - You cant/dont want to invest time in the
learning curve - You just think its cool
31Authoring Guidance Packages
- There is a learning curve
- Do not involve everyone
- Make 1 person/team responsible for GAT
- Once the knowledge is there, investment pays off
quickly - Dont try to build everything at once
- Start automating simple scenarios
- Incrementally increase complexity
- Add templates, logic and guidance along the way
32GAT Source Control
- Guidance Package state is kept in a .gpState
file (XML) with the solution file (.sln) - Indicates which Guidance Packages are associated
with the solution - Contains recipe references and some state
- Can/should be checked in to Source Control
33Guidance Package State
- Guidance Packages are stateless
- Recipe arguments (wizard fields) arent available
after the wizard finished - Store values out-of-band (e.g. to disk, database,
...) - Lookup values dynamically in solution if possible
(through Visual Studio SDK, e.g. default
namespace) - The generated code is the model
- DSLs can fill this gap
34GAT Software Factories
- A look at the big picture
35Software Factories
- Initiative developed by Microsoft patterns
practices - Web Service SF - Web Client SF
- Smart Client SF - Mobile Client SF
- Current state infancy
- Written documentation Guidance Packages
Reference Implementations - GAT mostly used for wizards code generation
- The code is the model
- The road ahead towards the Grand Vision
- Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) capture and
persist the model - Programming code becomes a rendering of the
model - GAT guides developers through complex tasks
36A Possible Future (EFx)
37GAT Software Factories
- Software Factory enabling technologies
- Visual Studio Extensibility Model
- Visual Studio Modeling Tools (Designers)
- Domain Specific Language Tools (DSLs)
- Small, highly focused languages that model and
solve clearly identifiable problems - Guidance Automation Toolkit
- Generate initial solution structure
- Wizards code generation
- Can be used to provide guidance and context to
DSLs - Launch recipes from shapes in the DSLs
- Enable DSLs in certain parts of the solution
38In Closing
39Key Points
- GAT is the next step in Visual Studio automation
- Builds on Visual Studio Templates Visual Studio
SDK - GAT can help you
- Automate repetitive tasks and complex processes
- Provide guidance right inside the Visual Studio
solution - Generate code with the powerful T4 engine
- Provide context and guidance continuously
- Make sure guidelines and best practices are
enforced - Be lazy ?
- GAT is a key part of Software Factories
- Understand the present
- Prepare for the future
- Guidance Automation Toolkit
- Home - http//msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/teamsyste
m/workshop/gat/ - Forum - http//forums.microsoft.com/msdn/showforum
.aspx?forumid78siteid1 - Community site - http//www.guidanceautomation.net
/cs/default.aspx - My Guidance Automation series -
BlogProgramming.NETGuidanceAutomation - Software Factories
- Home - http//msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/teamsystem
/aa718951.aspx - Guidance Automation Toolkit and Domain-Specific
Language Tools for Visual Studio 2005
Integration Scenarios -http//msdn2.microsoft.com
/en-us/library/aa905334.aspx - EFx - http//msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa
905331.aspx - Clarius Software Factories Toolkit -
http//softwarefactoriestoolkit.net/ - Microsoft
- Microsoft patterns practices
http//msdn.microsoft.com/practices/ - Enterprise Library 2.0 http//msdn.microsoft.com/
41Thank You!
- Thanks for your attention
- I'll be happy to answer all your questions
- Right after the session
- Compuware Booth
- Community Booth Ask-The-Experts
- VISUG Booth
42(No Transcript)