Title: Hand Cleanser (1)
1Hand Cleanser
If you are looking for a medical grade hand
cleanser to keep yourself protected, then you can
buy NEOLAYR E hand cleanser which is
alcohol-based hand sanitizer which is as per
World Health Organization (WHO) recommended
hand-rub formulation, Rub-in Hand Disinfectant
and Sanitizer. This hand sanitizer is effective
against 99.9 germs, viruses and bacteria. To
know more or to place an order for this hand
sanitizer online call at 91 833 400 0622 or
9987569387 or you can email at neolayr_at_palsonsderm
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7Address 1 10/D/1, HO-CHI-MINH SARANI City KOLKAT
A State WEST BENGAL Zip 700071 Phone 033-225178
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com/ Email neolayr_at_palsonsderma.com Mobile
Number 8334000622 9903523207 9987569387
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