Title: Video Summaries
1Video Summaries
2Virtual Stuntman
- The virtual stuntman is were virtual people on
the computer can do stuff that people cant do in
real life. The virtual people can fall off roofs
and a lot more dangerous things. - The virtual Stuntman are going to be big in the
future, they will take a lot of real stuntmen and
woman jobs.
3Radiologic Technologists
They use technology to see if u have something in
you head like a tumor or to see what your They
use technology to see if u have something in you
head like a tumor or to see what your baby is.
baby is.
4Diesel Mechanics
- Diesel Mechanics are like trucks, cars and other
driving vehicles. - If you want to be a repair who works on Diesel
Mechanics if have to be ready to get your hands
dirty because they get a lot of grease on there
hands from working with vehicles - you use technology to work on cars.
5Radio TV Broadcasters
- T.V. Broadcasters are the people you see on the
news such as Fox's news channel 5 ect. - Radio broadcasters are the people on the radio
that tell you the weather and play music.
6GPS and Triangulation
GPS can help you find your way back home when
your lost. The GPS runs from 3 different
satellites. There is 24 satellites in outer space.
Meteorologists are people you see on TV telling
you the weather you will usually see them telling
the weather on a green screen.
8Aircraft Mechanics
Aircraft Mechanics usual have to stand up or sit
down in awkward positions. The fix problems, and
left heavy objects.