Title: Organizational Buying Behavior
1Organizational Buying Behavior
- David Forlani
- University of Colorado at Denver and Health
Sciences Center
- Defining OBB Types and Levels
- Decision Making
- A Very Basic Model
- Comparing CBB with OBB
- Decision Influences
- Environmental
- Organizational
- Interpersonal
- Individual
3Why Are Marketers Concerned with Understanding
the Buying Behaviors of Consumers and
- This information provides the foundation for all
marketing decisions relative to a particular
market. - It is the basis for forming ongoing relationships.
4Defining Organizational Buyers
- Industrial Firms that transform raw materials.
They add value by creating form utility for
commercial or consumer markets - Resellers Do not create form utility, but add
value by providing time and place utility.
Resellers operate in commercial and consumer
markets and are often referred to as
distributors, wholesalers, jobbers and retailers - Governments Generally consume what they buy but
use buying processes like organizations
5Examples of Organizational Exchanges
6How Do Organizations Decide?
Problem identification
Information search
Evaluation of alternatives
Postpurchase evaluation
7Levels of Problem Solving
8Differences Between Organizational and Consumer
Markets (1 of 3)
Demand Characteristics
The demand for industrial goods and services
is 1. Derived from the demand for consumer goods
and services. 2. Relatively inelasticprice
changes in the short run are not likely to
significantly affect demand. 3. More erratic
because small increases or decreases in consumer
demand can, over time, strongly affect the demand
for manufacturing plants and equipment. 4. More
9Differences Between Organizational and Consumer
Markets (2 of 3)
Market Demographics
- Compared to Consumers, Organizational buyers are
- Fewer in number.
- Larger in size.
- Geographically concentrated.
10Differences Between Organizational and Consumer
Markets (3 of 3)
- Characteristics of Buyer Behavior
- Compared with markets for Consumer goods,
Organizational markets are characterized by - The use of professional buying specialists
following prescribed procedures. - Closer buyerseller relationships.
- Presence of multiple individuals in the buying
process (Relevant Others). - More apt to buy on specification than price.
11Illustrating Process Differences
12Influences on Organizational Buyers Behavior
13Environmental Influences
- Economic Outlook Overall Demand
- Primary Demand Market Strength
- Cost of Money Impact of Financing
- Supply Conditions Time Availability
- Rate of Tech Change Demand Stability
- Political Reg Devels Legal Concerns
- Competitive Devels Industry Situation
14Organizational Influences
- Objectives Focus-Effectiveness/Efficiency
- Organizational Structure Level of Centralization
- Policies Ability to Make Changes
- Procedures Process Rules
- Systems Compatibility Issues (esp. small firms)
15Interpersonal Influences
- Authority Formal Decision Latitude
- Status Informal Decision Latitude
- Empathy Level of Understanding
- Persuasiveness Negotiation Skills
16Individual Influences
- Age Flexibility
- Education Complexity of Presentation
- Job Position Relative Decision Role
- Personality Job Perspective
- Risk Attitudes Willingness to Change Status Quo
17The Buying Center
18The Relative Influence of Various Functional
Departments at Different Stages in Two Types of
Organizational Purchasing Decisions (1 of 2)
Straight rebuy
Relative influence
Purchase stages
19The Relative Influence of Various Functional
Departments at Different Stages in Two Types of
Organizational Purchasing Decisions (2 of 2)
New buy
Relative influence
Purchase stages