Title: Ramraj Giza Cotton Dhotis and Shirts Set
1Ramraj Giza Cotton Dhotis and Shirts Set
2Ramraj Cotton was set up in 1983 is a star
production house of Dhotis, Shirts, Inner Wears,
Knit Wears, fabrics, Kids Womens Collection.
Ramraj Cotton is giving the value addition to
the life style of every Indian.
3The company is located in Tirupur, the hub of
Indian knit garment industry near to the textile
city of Coimbatore in Tamilnadu, the southern
state of India. The company is constituted by the
enterprising technocrat Shri.K.R.Nagarajan. He
has provided the vision continually and is the
reason behind the growth of RAMRAJ Cotton.
4The company has the dedicated, dynamic and
experienced management and staff who keep the
company in elevation always. The company started
with the wide exposure of dhotis, marketing them
as the Indian cultural style and to reach from
town to villages.
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6Ramraj Cotton(Vennila Clothing Company)RAMRAJ
V Tower, No.10,Sengunthapuram,1st Street,
Mangalam Road, Tirupur - 641604, Tamil Nadu,
India Phone 91 9865641147 WhatsApp No 91-